Category: Microsoft

  • Creating a Professional Document in Microsoft Word

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Creating a professional document in Microsoft Word (MS Word), which meets all academic standards, can be greatly simplified due to the appropriate options and tools that this popular program includes. MS Word has a change tracking feature that allows for editing the desired document and monitoring the…

  • Microsoft Access Database and Microsoft Excel Design

    Database design is a process of planning and organizing information that enables users to access, read, and write the data. This can include separating the necessary information into multiple tables and ensuring relationships (Eckstein & Schultz, 2018). The main difference between a Microsoft Access database and an Excel spreadsheet is their intended purpose. A Microsoft…

  • Microsoft Excel: Data Analysis Using Spreadsheet

    Microsoft Excel is an essential software to all organizations regardless of the industry under which they operate. They can be embedded in various functions performed by each department ranging from assigning tasks to accounting. As a finance officer, Microsoft Excel is vital in conducting basic financial accounting. Spreadsheets are giant calculator that utilizes formulae to…

  • Microsoft Word as the Best Environment for Course Activities

    Table of Contents Introduction Simplicity Opportunities Accessibility Conclusion References Introduction Today, students get access to various computer applications for their course activities. Some of them are Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Google Docs. Each program has its advantages and disadvantages, addressing the basic needs of users and developers. People are usually free to choose…

  • Microsoft Live Workspace and SkyDrive

    Introduction The technological progress that humanity has experienced over the recent decades has affected all the spheres of our lives and enriched information access and exchange and worldwide communication possibilities. At the same time, the more information people can access, the larger storage capacities they need to preserve this information. The relatively new Microsoft Office…

  • Microsoft Word: Review and Analysis

    There was a period when word-processing was done in a dos based environment rather than a windows environment. All commands had to be through the key board making it difficult to operate. All this has changed since the advent of Windows and other graphics based operating systems. The popular programs of those days now have…

  • Conficker Worm  A Worm That Affects Microsoft Windows

    Conficker, which is also referred to as Downup, Downadup and Kido, is a worm that affects Microsoft Windows operating system which was discovered at first in November 2008. It checks for defects in the Windows software to designate computers and connect them into a virtual machine which can be dominated remotely by the person behind…

  • The Microsoft Excel Knowledge Advantages

    Microsoft Excel plays an important role in sharpening a persons skill set. Individuals can hone the skills that are crucial in advancing ones career. Effective training in Microsoft Excel enables a person to manipulate, visualize, and evaluate data. Using color-coding helps a person determine patterns easily and analyze data that would otherwise take longer to…

  • Choosing Between Access and Excel by Microsoft

    Table of Contents Introduction Review of Article Lessons Learnt from the Tutorial Conclusion References Introduction Over the years, computers have become an integral part of the business environment. This has been as a result of their efficiency, accuracy, and speed which has revolutionized the manner in which business is conducted. An integral part of computer…

  • Microsoft Azure Cloud for Government Agency

    Microsoft Azure is a cloud service provider that offers hosting services to clients on a pay-as-you-go subscription basis. The cloud provider is the most appropriate for federal government agencies because it provides a dedicated cloud to the United States government through the Azure Government cloud platform. Migrating and adopting an Azure cloud platform is beneficial.…