Category: Music Industry

  • Music Video Analysis Essay

    A Music Video Analysis: Macklemore and Lewis, Same Love The topic of marriage equality has always been a controversial topic, especially given the recent political climate of the United States. On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court cast aside all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalized it in all fifty states, and required states…

  • Sexism in the Music Industry

    Ariana Grande was the first artist to reach the top three of the Billboard 100 since The Beatles did in 1964. Beyonce was the top-selling artist of the 2000s. Lady Gaga became the first woman to win an Oscar, Grammy, BAFTA and Golden Globe in the same year in 2019. Adeles Hello was the first…

  • Music Influence on Society Essay

    Developments in technology within the 21st century mean that the way we use music is constantly changing. Historians have dated the first musical instruments to have been created over 30,000 years ago – these instruments were used to create ceremonial music, to be used for religious purposes (The Hymns and Carols of Christmas, 2019). Since…

  • Should Musicians Change Their Tune: Argumentative Essay

    Introduction Music plays a significant role in shaping culture, expressing emotions, and providing entertainment to people around the world. However, as society evolves and new challenges emerge, the question arises: Should musicians change their tune? This essay will argue that musicians have a social responsibility to address pressing issues and use their platform to promote…

  • Personal Narrative Essay on Music Technology

    Music technology is one of the best things that comes with music, it is one of the most interesting parts and it is the most in-depth part of developing technology in music. These are the ways in history that music affected consumption in society. In 1857, Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville invented the phonautograph. This is…

  • Negative Mental Health in the Music Industry

    We hear a lot about how mental health is very prominent in the music industry and how the music industry worsens artists’ struggles with it. But why does the industry worsen mental health when it’s such a glamorized industry and career choice. To answer this question, I will look at examples of artists with known…