Category: Muslim

  • Muslims and Social Change in the Atlantic Beach by Sean Foley

    The assumption by many Americans that the Muslim had no influence in their history and heritage may be somehow skewed and biased. Sean Foley supports this in his article, Muslims and social change in the Atlantic Beach, which studies the historical events and indeed finds out Islam/Muslims played a significant role in the history of…

  • Sociology: Muslim and Western Women

    Table of Contents Introduction Social Issues Economic Issues Public Issues Introduction Globalization has had significant impacts on the lives of many people in different continents. However, the Muslim society has resisted various attempts to brainwash it with western ideologies. Most Islamic issues have not changed even though there has been an improvement in their lifestyle.…

  • Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Muslim Womens Rights

    In the present-day world, when, spurred by numerous acts of terrorism, Islamophobia has reached its bursting point and has clearly grown weaker, such stories as Infidel seem to be taken with a grain of salt. However, because of the tension in relationships between the Islamic and the Christian world, Infidel should be viewed as a…

  • The Condition of Muslim Women.

    The condition of Muslim women in any part of the world is a controversial issue. It is very ill-fated that Women in Islam suffer as a result of religious beliefs and practices. For many years Islam and Muslim was kept away from politics but in the recent time it is in the limelight and many…

  • Geography: France and Its Muslims Article by Stephenie Giry

    Table of Contents Introduction Thesis Analysis Summarize Works Cited Introduction In the article, the author is trying to highlight the issue of integration in Europe. This is in terms of the religious groups and the discrimination they face in European countries. The topic is important as it shows the underlying issues that are hindering integration…

  • Geography: France and Its Muslims Article by Stephenie Giry

    Table of Contents Introduction Thesis Analysis Summarize Works Cited Introduction In the article, the author is trying to highlight the issue of integration in Europe. This is in terms of the religious groups and the discrimination they face in European countries. The topic is important as it shows the underlying issues that are hindering integration…

  • Muslims and Mathematics

    One of the prominent Muslim scholars is a mathematician, geographer, and astronomer Muhammad al-Khwarizmi (pp. 780850). There is not much information about his life, in particular, it is assumed that he came from a clan of Zoroastrian priests and was considered a magician. The term algebra was formed using the name of his book The…

  • Social and Behavioral Role of Muslim Women

    Table of Contents Introduction Social Status of Women in Islam Social Role and Behavioral perquisite of Women in Islam Behavioral Patterns of Women in Islam Conclusion References Introduction Islam is a monotheistic religion, the most significant scripture of which is the Holy Book Quran. This doctrine firmly outlines gender roles, which is why most people…

  • Sikh and Muslim Communities in India

    Introduction The Republic of India is a secular, democratic country with many different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, among other minority creeds. Hinduism remains the largest religion in the country, with Hindu identification and the ability to speak Hindi being associated with being truly Indian (Corichi and Evans para 5). The…

  • Muslim Integration in Switzerland

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion and Analysis Conclusion Reference List Introduction Religious tolerance is one of the basic principles of Swiss democracy, and it is especially critical for the country to provide people with freedom of religious expression. At the same time, there is a controversial attitude to the Muslim community among Swiss citizens who…