Category: Native American

  • The Lived Experiences of Native American Women Parenting on and off Reservations

    Table of Contents Problem Statement Purpose and Significance Problem Background Theoretical Framework Research Questions Nature of the Study Possible Sources and Types of Data Reference List Problem Statement The analysis of sources, which are related to the topic of the future study, indicates that researchers pay close attention to the needs of individuals who live…

  • European vs. Native American Societies

    Introduction During the 16-17th centuries, when the Europeans started to arrive in the New World, they discovered a society of Native Americans, or Indians, which was fundamentally different from their own. Considering themselves to be the champions of the civilized world, the Europeans thought that the Indian culture and society had to be changed to…

  • Native American Identity and Race

    The definition of race nowadays differs significantly from its original meaning among the XVI-century European colonizers of Northern America. The early colonist society shaped a controversial understanding of the term, particularly concerning Native Americans. Lawrence Blums book presents a comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of the term race and challenges the modern understanding of…

  • European vs. Native American Societies

    Introduction During the 16-17th centuries, when the Europeans started to arrive in the New World, they discovered a society of Native Americans, or Indians, which was fundamentally different from their own. Considering themselves to be the champions of the civilized world, the Europeans thought that the Indian culture and society had to be changed to…

  • Psychoeducation Group for Native Americans with Trauma

    Table of Contents Introduction Body of Group Proposed Design Critique and Summary Conclusion References Introduction The purpose of the psychoeducational group is to assist Native American individuals with trauma in the provision of high-quality therapy. The group is being created to use all the benefits of psychoeducational procedures to address social, psychological, and life complications…

  • Psychoeducation Group for Native Americans with Trauma

    Table of Contents Introduction Body of Group Proposed Design Critique and Summary Conclusion References Introduction The purpose of the psychoeducational group is to assist Native American individuals with trauma in the provision of high-quality therapy. The group is being created to use all the benefits of psychoeducational procedures to address social, psychological, and life complications…

  • Native American and African Religions

    Religion has existed since antiquity. While different communities practiced different religions, they nonetheless have a common ground when it comes to the unity of the material and spiritual world. According to Toropov and Buckles, within the Native American spirituality, all processes whether human or non human (spiritual), are linked. Native American religion does not differentiate…

  • Religion and Europeans Attitude to Native Americans

    As a matter of fact, Native Americans had highly diverse cultures and religions before and after European colonialists arrival. At the same time, in Europe, Christianity was an intrinsic part of peoples lives when the New World was discovered. Thus, it goes without saying that the meeting of people from completely different cultural and religious…

  • Comparison of Native American and African Religions

    Pagan religions have more similarities than differences due to their indigenous character and philosophy. Their distinctions are determined by the geographical location and cultural peculiarities of the nation where they developed, but in most cases, the differences are in detail, not in general aspects. Native American and African religions are not the exception to this…

  • Native Americans in the United States: Literature Review

    Table of Contents What you Pawn I Will Redeem The Third and Final Continent The Shawl Works Cited What you Pawn I Will Redeem The narrator of the story by Sherman Alexie is a homeless man Jackson Jackson, a very unusual person with a generous heart, an After Columbus Arrived Indian (Perkins 402). He is…