Category: Natural Environment

  • Creativity in Natural Environments: A Pathway to Sustainability

    By nature, humans and the environment are deeply connected. Similarly, a lot of creativity relies on inspiration from the environment, and our role as environmental stewards. For many creative individuals, being in nature is one of the most influential avenues for opening their creative landscape. Fortunately, nature is in fact a key player in stimulating…

  • Plant Leaf Disease Detection And Classification Using Multiclass SVM Classifier

    Abstract Plants play a significant role in human life. Plants area unit helpful for manufacturing oxygen(O2) by taking the carbon dioxide(CO2) that is free by humans by the method of chemical change. The chemical {process| chemical change| chemical action} process is principally applied by leaves. The diseases that cause plants area unit on leaves because…

  • Plant Defense Mechanisms

    Over the course of 350 million years, plants and insects have coevolved to counter each others defensive strategies. A variety of physical and biochemical mechanisms are used almost intuitively to help plants deter herbivorous pests. Chemical signals and compounds emitted by plants can be exploited by herbivores, predators and parasitoids to locate resources. In this…

  • Influences Of Bacterial Cellulose To Avert Needs Of Plant Cellulose

    ABSTRACT In the Current era, rapid urbanization, industrialization, and declining forest which are ultimately leading to a global climate changes. The huge scale of lessening of forestation for firewood, building, paper products, textile and many other applications are gradually imposing a serious negative impact on the environment. Inherently, it has limit application due to the…

  • How Plants Communicate Using Root-secreted Signals

    Plant communication: the big question Plants can communicate too. They can detect other plants next to or around them and respond accordingly. They can do this by a number of ways, one way is secreting certain chemicals into the soil to affect how their neighbouring plants grow and behave, depending on how crowded they find…

  • Role Of Aptamers In Plant Defense Mechanism Against Viral Diseases

    Abstract The diseases of plants caused by viruses are always in main concern for researchers because they reduced the yield and quality of food grains or horticultural products like fruits, vegetables and flowers which will leads a major economic loss of agricultural stakeholders. Presently there is no direct control strategy for viral infection in plants.…

  • Effect Of Plant Extracts On Fungal Growth

    ABSTRACT Most fungi are saprophytic and not pathogenic to plants, animals and humans. However, a relative few fungal species are phytopathogenic, cause disease (e.g., infections, allergies) in man, and produce toxins that affect plants, animals and humans. Among such fungi are members of the Aspergillus and Fusarium genera as well as other genera (e.g., Alternaria,…

  • Effects Of Blue And Yellow Light On Aquatic Plant Growth

    Introduction Aquatic plant ecology is the study of organisms interaction with their environment to develop a better understanding of certain spices. Duckweed (Lemna) is an effective aquatic plant in removing nutrients and it has been proven that Lemna is able to manage the nutrients for wastewater treatment (Bonomo et al., 1997). Light is an important…

  • Magnetic Field And Its Impact On Plant Growth And Development

    Abstract Plant magnetobiology has become an important topic to study and manage biological effects on plants.Studies over the past several years have paved its way asa new advancementfor achieving enhanced growth and development in crop plants including horticultural plants.An emphasis has been made upon the use of this technique with different magnetic field intensity and…

  • Plant Health And The Environment

    Introduction Growing crops hydroponically is an alternative to traditional soil farming methods (7). Hydroponics systems consist of a water-based solution enriching in nutrients, without the use soil (2). Commonly an artificial medium is used to provide support for the plant as soil is not being used (2). Hydroponic systems started in 1920 and have dramatically…