Category: Netflix

  • Global Over-the-Top Platforms: Artwork Personalization at Netflix

    The over the top (OTT) streaming content has a lot of potential for growth and expansion, an assumption solidified by the rapid entry of Netflix competitors into the market. They include Hulu, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, Disney +, Peacock, and many others. The phenomenon known as Netflixification of media implies that consumers are actively…

  • Netflix Organizational Change: The Change Event

    Table of Contents Reason for the Happening of the Change Event The Success of the Change Reasons Why the Change Was a Success Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Use References The transformation that was inculcated into the company happened in the year 2007. This change was the second transformation after the first in 1999,…

  • Netflix and Blockbuster: Case Study

    Netflix and Blockbuster are leaders in the entertainment industry offering video streaming services. However, their histories reveal how different business models shaped customer experiences, determining corporate strategies, and paved the way for technological development. Johnson et al. (2008) note that all successful ventures are founded on developing unique solutions to fill market gaps, which shaped…

  • The Netflix Firms Learning Organization Concept

    A learning organization is adept in knowledge creation, acquisition, and transfer, as well as behavior modification, to consider fresh information and insights. Netflix began as an entertainment business that mailed DVDs and offered online streaming and video-on-demand. Currently, Netflix has 103.95 million customers worldwide, 51.92 million of whom are in the United States, according to…

  • International Expansion Within Netflix Company

    Case: International expansion within Netflix Company Key decision maker: Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings Influencing actors: N/A Symptoms Netflix had been seeking aggressive worldwide development, mostly through organic growth efforts, across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and other parts of the world. Hastings was certain that the strategic plans originality and the companys ongoing efforts to improve services would…

  • Discussion of Customer Perceived of Netflix

    Executive Summary Netflix is a streaming service for movies and television shows that charges a flat monthly fee for unlimited access to its library. Netflix and recommender systems will be thoroughly discussed in order to demonstrate the importance of the subject matter under consideration. Following the introduction of the background chapter, the theoretical framework will…

  • The Netflix Firms Market Environment in India

    Introduction The streaming video-on-demand (SVoD) services market continues to expand with immense speed. Netflix is one of the largest platforms in this business, with over 151 million customers across the globe (Kumar et al., 2020). However, the firm struggles to establish its presence as the top service provider in India. By analyzing Netflixs position in…

  • Netflix: From DVD-by-Mail to Streaming

    Table of Contents Introduction The Problems that the Firm Encounters Strategic and Operational Analyses Ethics and Sustainability Issues Proposal of Action Plans Conclusion References Introduction Netflix was founded in 1997 as a DVD-by-mail rental company, competing with the more established video rental chains such as Blockbuster and Hollywood Video. Twenty years later, in 2020, the…

  • Blockbuster and Netflix Companies Comparison

    Blockbuster and Netflix are two businesses that began operating within the same type of market  the movie rentals. At the same time, the two businesses functioned is completely different niches. Blockbuster worked through an enormous chain of brick-and-mortar stores where the clients could go any minute to choose and rent a film recorded on…

  • Best Practice Companies: Netflix

    The companies that operate in the context of technological advancement and the active inclusion of millennials into the workforce need to adjust to the new requirements within all the spheres of performance. One of the most crucial elements in the work of any company is the sphere of HR management, talent management, and corporate governance.…