Category: Novel

  • Plot Summary of The Hunger Games

    The story starts off in dystopian future America, called Panem led by President Snow. There was a war many years ago, which resulted in the country being divided into twelve poor districts and one rich totalitarian capital. The twelve districts all represent different characteristics and beliefs based off the resources they have. District twelve, known…

  • The Underlies Of The Title In The Bell Jar

    The novel the Bell Jar was published before Sylvia Plath committed her forth suicide, which was successful eventually. As the only full-length novel she left on the world, some of its features such as the nature of autobiography, extreme theme and feminist philosophy have continuously attracted the attention of its readers and scholars all around…

  • The Giver By Lois Lowry: How Members Of Society Blindly Follow The Rules

    In the dystopian novel, The Giver, Lois Lowry illustrates the boringness of conformity. She has positioned the readers to view the community as a calculated and controlled society. The concept of individualism is non-existent in the dystopian novel the Giver. Consequently, people do not have the ability to make their individual decisions and people are…

  • The Effects Of Entrapment In The Bell Jar And Room

    Throughout the entirety of both novels, characters are faced with physical and psychological manifestations of entrapment, from which the everlasting effects transcend beyond the point of their liberation. Whether its from Mas heart-breaking journey to escape her physical imprisonment in Room or Esther Greenwoods painful course to reclaim her independence after mentally trapping herself in…

  • Literary Theories, Linguistic Aspects And Interpretations Of The Alchemist

    Introduction In the last decade many researchers and readers has analyzed The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho through different literary theories and linguistics aspects. These studies mostly used psychoanalytical theory as a measurement to evaluate the story, otherwise others have different theories to use such as existentialism (Hasnah, Lily, 2008) and phenomenological (Mawadda, 2010). The alchemist…

  • Their Eyes Were Watching God As A Work Of Resistance

    The novel Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston can largely be considered a work of resistance. Janie Crawfords quest for fulfilment, freedom and autonomy, the development of her personal voice and the use of voice throughout the text, showcases the power of black people- particularly black women- to define their own futures…

  • Legislative Consequences After The Jungle Book Publication

    The Jungle by Upton Sinclair gave a very harrowing insight into the meatpacking industry during the early nineteen hundreds. Chapter after chapter I read some pretty revolting things such as having rodent feces on the meat, workers falling into vats of chemicals, and meatpackers using spoiled meat and trash in some of their canned products.…

  • Exploring the Frightening Encounters in Hosseinis The Kite Runner

    ABSTRACT Psychology plays a major role in ones life. It is human psyche which holds a lot of past experiences be it happiness, sadness or any traumatic incident. Many theories and definitions related to human psychology and behaviour has been given by Freud, the well-known psychologist. According to him psychological trauma of a person comprises…

  • The Hidden Reality Of Words: The Giver

    Lois Lowrys The Giver ignites the minds of readers, both young and old. It has a story, unlike any other young readers fiction novel. Not every fictional tale includes talking animals, magic, or happily ever after. Its tightening plot sends forth post-apocalyptic elements, themes, symbolism, and some ties to certain concerns of reality. I will…

  • Redemption In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini

    In The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, Amir goes through a lot. But he learns that you can be forgiven for things you have done. Amir gets to have another chance at life to make things right for good. In doing so he gets redemption. At the beginning of the novel, Amir lacks the courage…