Category: Organizational Behavior

  • Organization Behavior, Its History and Theories

    Aspects of organization behavior Organizational behavior (OB) is the application of human actions to other elements of an organization including social system, structure, and technology. It also looks into the actions and attitudes that are exhibited by people within organizations. Furthermore, OB is the understanding of the individual, group behavior in addition to the patterns…

  • Workplace Organizational Behaviour

    Workplace relationships might often be challenging and overwhelming because people who do not know each other quite well have to be productive and achieve common goals. Concerning the conflict between Jessie and Julie, one may state that the cause is their different perceptions of selves and the workplace. Thus, according to Catenacci (2017), what one…

  • Kirloskar India Limited: Organizational Behaviour

    Organizational behaviour refers to the study of how people interact within an organization. It is important to indicate that this study is applied with the aim to make business organizations more efficient. In this case, the chosen company is situated in India and is known as Kirloskar India Limited. This company was founded in the…

  • Organizational Behavior Trends and Decision-Making

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body The impact of technology on work-related stress Summary References Introduction Decision making in modern organizations should be based on moral and ethical principles followed by employees and management staff. The ethics itself is based on the principle of the standard of care. It means that all decisions and problem-solving…

  • Organizational Behaviour Analysis and Evaluation

    Organisational behaviour study is a discipline that is gaining more and more important because organisations are becoming larger and more complex now than ever before. Even though human behaviour inside organisations have been studied since the early days of the industrial revolution, most of these have focused solely on improving performance rather than understanding the…

  • Reflection on Organizational Behavior Theories

    Organizational behavior knowledge is of utmost importance in the workplace since it provides an understanding of why people behave in a particular way. Therefore, it is critical not only to study these theories but to reflect on them to be able to apply them in professional life and career plan. Overall, I have analyzed the…

  • Budgeting Impact on Organizational Behavior

    Introduction This paper seeks to discuss how budgeting can impact organizational behavior. This paper explores how the impact can be both positive and negative and discuss ways that financial managers are changing the budgeting processes to better inform managerial decision making. Analysis and Discussion Budgeting, its nature and purpose Budgeting could be considered as the…

  • A Positive Organizational Behavior in Organization

    Organizational behavior refers to the behavior of individuals, teams and management that forms organizational culture. It is important to note that organizational behavior highly determines efficiency and output of an organization. On the same note, due to division of labor that has become the order of the day; many people have chosen to specialize in…

  • Informal Groups Effect on Organizational Behavior

    Informal groups perform a number of crucial functions that can hardly be delivered by formal groups. For example, informal groups have the potential of perpetuating cultural value systems that are cherished by a group. This noble role assists in safeguarding the integrity of the group. It is possible for common points of perceptions to be…

  • Organizational and Consumers Buying Behavior

    Introduction A consumer is defined as the ultimate user of a product/commodity or a service, while an organization is a social set up, separated by physical boundary with defined objectives. A consumer can influence an organizations buying behavior at the same time an organization can also be able to influence a consumers buying behavior. This…