Category: Othello

  • From a Villain to a Victim and Back: Othello and Iago

    Table of Contents Introduction: Among Villains and Victims Iago: Poisoned with the Desire to Destroy Othello: Seized by the Need to Avenge Is Gullibility Worse than Treachery? Conclusion: In the Ocean of Misery Works Cited Introduction: Among Villains and Victims Of all the complex and thought-provoking Shakespearean plays, Othello must be the most complicated and…

  • Shakespeares Othello Play Exploration

    The current essay deals with a difficult but quite important topic tied with the role of race in Shakespeares Othello. As Alvin Kernan remarked Othello is probably the most perfect plays by Shakespeare in terms of the formal and structural design of its composition. Structural elements are organized in a manner peculiar to French tradition…

  • Emilia & Iagos Schemes in Othello by Shakespeare

    Notably, Othello is a drama about love, jealousy, and treachery. It depicts the narrative of a Moor, Othello, who marries a white woman named Desdemona, whom he murders because he is jealous. Nonetheless, to distinguish the genuine problematic marriage, it is essential to look at Iago and Emilia, a terrible ending similar to Desdemona and…

  • Sophocles Oedipus Rex and Shakespeares Othello

    To begin with, from ancient times a theme of inner feelings and conflicts maintained in a mans soul and mind excite many people by the psychological nature of individuals who urge to find out a specific devotion and predestination in life. Here the extent of dramatic conversations appeared. This gave additional flow toward the evaluation…

  • William Shakespeares Othello: Analysis the Play

    Iago is no doubt the personification of evil and takes contentment in destroying virtue in him and others. The first and most significant thing we note in Iago is that, in comparison with the other characters of the play, he is highly intellectual and strong willed. The fundamental attribute of his nature is self-love which…

  • Review of Othello by Shakespeare

    Othello is one of the most unique and outstanding works of the great William Shakespeare. There are actually more profound, complex, thought-provoking topics behind the authors main idea, which lies on the surface. So, the main characters and their stories of the work are known to everyone, even if they have not read the work.…

  • About Acts I and II Othello: Analysis

    In the tragedy, Iago is presented as an ambitious person, ready for any action for his own benefit. The ambitiousness of this character is expressed in the first verses of the tragedy: I know my price, I am worth no worse a place. / But he, as loving his own pride and purposes (1.1.11 12).…

  • Theme of Deceit in Shakespeares Othello

    Deceit and lies can be one of the most distracting factors in human life despite ones accomplishments. As Benjamin Franklin said, Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that dont have brains enough, to be honest, the play Othello by Shakespeare accurately depicts his words. Othello is a storyline behind a respectable general and…

  • Othello as Aristotelian Tragic Hero

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The problem of the genre of tragedy in the work of Shakespeare as a whole still remains open. It is multifaceted and includes both questions from the field of the history of genres and the question of the philosophical content of Shakespeares plays in connection…

  • Strength in Ones Convictions in Shakespeares Othello

    Table of Contents Introduction Objectification of Women Prejudiced Pride Warped Masculinity Conclusion Introduction Strong convictions pave the way for great actions. In his play Othello, Shakespeare explores the extent to which characters display strength of conviction when confronted with societal expectations from them by developing ideas around constructs such as objectification of women, prejudiced pride,…