Category: Pandemic

  • The 1918 Pandemic Representation

    The 1918 pandemic caused by the flu influenza, also known as Spanish flu, led to the death of more than 50 million people worldwide and was believed to be one of the tremendous diseases in the history of humanity. Many reports, books, and articles were published to shed the light on this terrible past event.…

  • Key Takeaways from the Coronavirus Pandemic

    While healthcare organizations and executives are optimistic about the decreasing coronavirus prevalence, associated deaths, and availability of vaccines, people should not lose sight of the bigger picture: an upcoming pandemic. Through the years, the world has experienced a fair share of pandemics, including HIV/AIDS and polio. A vital takeaway from the coronavirus outbreak is that…

  • City Planning and Pandemics: Efficient Approach

    Table of Contents Introduction City Planning Issues in Terms of Pandemics Strengthening Strategies Proposal References Introduction Current coronavirus crisis teaches the society to realize the essential need for a new urban planning approach. Rewriting local regulation is not enough to provide equal sustainability. It is the radical change in the political economy that embraces an…

  • Telehealth in the Pandemic: Benefits & Limitations

    Telehealth has revolutionized healthcare across the globe, with patients having the opportunity to interact with their providers online using technology. The COVID-19 pandemic further hastened the uptake of telehealth with the introduction of regulations requiring social distancing and isolation for all. As a result, more people began to opt for telehealth as a safe and…

  • Review of For Millions, the Pandemic Is Far From Over Article

    Over the last two years, COVID-19 has significantly changed the daily lives of billions of people. Although the development of vaccines is slowing down the spread of the pandemic, there are still millions of people struggling with the consequences of the virus. The article by Doheny (2022), presented by the reputable healthcare source Medscape, examines…

  • Florida Administrations Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Over the past few months, the whole world has been in a quarantine state due to the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19. Every day, humanity is witnessing an increase in mortality among patients carrying the infection. Measures proposed by several countries have proven effective, and as a result, governments have begun to renew critical infrastructure systems. In…

  • The H3N2 Virus Pandemics of 1968

    The 1968 H3N2 pandemic resulted from influenza A/Hong Kong/1968 virus. The H3N2 virus contained two genes derived from the six genes from the A(H2N2) virus, associated with the 1957 H2N2 pandemic, and the avian influenza A virus. In the United States, the experience with the epidemic was unlike in any other country. A less severe…

  • Planning in a Post-Pandemic World

    It is undeniable that the global pandemic affected businesses worldwide. With the need for new, stricter health regulations in the workplace for a safer internal environment in the office come limitations on the number of persons of staff present. Furthermore, there is an added cost of maintaining the areas clean and up to the new…

  • Pandemic Coverage: Omicron Issues

    At the height of the pandemic, news were extremely erratic, with many journalists assuming a primarily pessimistic viewpoint. For instance, in his article How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take?, published on April 30, 2020, Stuart A. Thompson casted doubt on the statements by Trumps Administration. Particularly, Trumps experts believed that a vaccine could arrive…

  • Pandemics & Biothreats and Governmental Responses

    The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a pandemic as a worldwide disease outbreak that is mainly characterized by high infection levels, a perceived lack of immunity against the disease-causing agent, and a high rate of spread and survival among human populations (Chiras, 2010). In the light of this definition, examples of pandemics would include Ebola,…