Category: Parenting

  • Violence: Community Center for Children and Parents

    Table of Contents Proposed Intervention Benefits of the Proposed Intervention Conclusion References Proposed Intervention As it stands, there are very few, if any, mechanisms for preventive action against domestic violence. The official approach to both governmental, law enforcement, and medical institutions usually takes a retroactive approach to family violence, dealing with its effects and trying…

  • Adoption: Can Same-Sex Parents Nurture a Stable Child?

    Table of Contents Introduction Reasons to Support the Claim Types of Sources Counterargument Intended Audience Introduction Gay couples should be allowed to adopt, as parents sexual orientation does not affect childrens emotional and behavioral functioning. However, the controversial question that has been asked is whether same-sex parents can nurture a stable child. This has attracted…

  • Parents Need Help: Restricting Access to Video Games

    Summary of the Argument The author uses the argument of the governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, to heap the blame on makers of violent video games by pointing out that the video games are solely to blame for real violence in the society (Whitehead). According to the governor, it is the role of the state…

  • Gadgets Impact on Parent-Child Relationships

    Adult-to-child interactivity Summary The research investigates the influence of gadgets on relationships between parents and their children. The study took place in the park, where the researcher compared the frequency of parents interacting with their kids to the frequency of their interacting with their devices. It was found out that the fact of carrying and…

  • Parents Bear Responsibility for the Recreational Rioter  Psychology

    The riots that broke out in London on August 4, 2011 shocked the British society and the world at large. The violence, aggression, destructive behavior and looting displayed by the youth have elicited varied reactions and explanations from the public. That level of violence and destruction was not expected, even if the youth felt they…

  • Problems Experienced by Children That Are Reared by Heterosexual Parents

    Heterosexuality is one of the oldest concepts mentioned by historical narratives since the dawn of history. In spite of its historical significance, it is still one of the underdeveloped and uninvestigated problems of the modern society. Democratic freedoms and changes in social relations permit homosexual men and women to marry and have children. Thus, the…

  • Te Single-Parent Homes Problems

    Table of Contents Introduction Problems Improving Single Parent Homes Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the past decades, the numbers of single parents have significantly become common. As a result, we have all manner of single-parent families in the world. The head of the household maybe mothers, fathers, or in some cases, grandparents who are raising…

  • Parental Exposure and Underage Drinking  Psychology

    The problem of underage drinking is not a new one in American society, yet many parents today demonstrate a total lack of strategy on how to deal with it. Common sense demands that parents be at the forefront in guiding their adolescent youth toward adopting good standards of behavior and moral responsibility. However, it is…

  • Substance Use by Parents and the Effect on Kids

    Introduction The misuse of substance among children has been a major problem in most countries (Velleman and Templeton 2007). Research has indicated that children who are introduced to substance abuse at early stages in their lives are likely to develop serious psychological and behavior disorders in adulthood (Velleman and Templeton 2007). In America and most…

  • The Relationship Between Parenting Styles

    Introduction Quantitative studies often allow for a deeper understanding of phenomena (Campbell & Stanley, 1963), and a multiple regression is a method which permits for estimating whether there is a relationship between a number of predictor variables and an outcome variable (Frankfort-Nachmias & Nachmias, 2015). It can also be used to assess whether a variable…