Category: Performance

  • Training, Stress and Performance: Study Findings

    Table of Contents Hypotheses Variables Descriptive Statistics ANOVA Statistics Conclusion References People often need to work and interact in stressful environments, and it is necessary to investigate whether techniques for decreasing stress levels can help people resolve complex tasks under pressure. The research involving participants with different life stress levels is designed to determine whether…

  • Performance Impact of Business Group Affiliation

    Introduction, purpose, and significance of the study Singh, Nejadmalayeri & Mathur (2006) conducted a study titled Performance impact of business group affiliation: An analysis of the diversification-performance link in a developing economy. The main purpose of the research is to explore the performance of large and diversified Indian firms as revealed by asset and equity…

  • Stereotype Threat and Arousal Effects on Womens Math Performance

    Table of Contents Introduction Variables Conceptual Definitions of Variables Participants Procedure Measures/Operations Definitions Hypothesis Results Conclusion Reference Introduction This studys design is experimental because the researchers have given the participants math tests; some groups received materials that stated the gender difference in results, while others did not have this statement on the cover sheet of…

  • Statistics: Academic Performance Correlation Study

    Table of Contents Research design Sample size Data analysis References Research design In this project, I was interested in determining whether there is a relationship between academic performance in reading and academic performance in science courses. The study sought to test the following hypothesis: H0: There is a significant correlation between reading performance and performance…

  • Class Sizes and Student Performance Research Methodology

    Research Methodology Research Problem Due to the economic downturn, the State of Georgias legislature passed a bill that eliminated size limits for the class, including both regular and special education students. In addition to the states change, Henry County has made a new policy that affects social studies and science classes in middle schools. The…

  • Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Psychological Assessments

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion and Examples Conclusion References Introduction The implementation of psychological assessment at the workplace is an effective method for evaluating the needs, capabilities, and appropriate career choices of employees. This framework generally suggests that personality traits exist and play a crucial role in defining ones behavior. In this sense, a thorough…

  • Employee Personality and Performance Correlation

    Introduction Personality can be described as the different characteristics that make up an individual, which are common to the given individual. The characteristics form a trend that people can use to identify any person. Personality of an individual can be viewed as a trait of a given individual that can be used to predict the…

  • Professional Performance Characteristics and Workplace Effectiveness

    The effects of personality and emotion on individual behavior and performance at work Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clear to many managers that, unlike what it happened to be the case with non-human mechanistic systems, the dynamics within human systems (e.g. collectives of employees) do not solely concern the qualitative specifications of these systems integral elements,…

  • Stress and Performance in the Sport

    Table of Contents Introduction Positive stressors Negative stressors Conclusion Reference list Introduction Constructive stress is necessary for good mental and physical health. This positive stress helps one to act with optimum performance in order to achieve certain goals (Burton & Raedeke, 2008, p. 328). When stress is poorly managed or becomes overwhelming it results in…

  • Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Psychological Assessments

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion and Examples Conclusion References Introduction The implementation of psychological assessment at the workplace is an effective method for evaluating the needs, capabilities, and appropriate career choices of employees. This framework generally suggests that personality traits exist and play a crucial role in defining ones behavior. In this sense, a thorough…