Category: Performance

  • Employee Personality and Performance Correlation

    Introduction Personality can be described as the different characteristics that make up an individual, which are common to the given individual. The characteristics form a trend that people can use to identify any person. Personality of an individual can be viewed as a trait of a given individual that can be used to predict the…

  • Professional Performance Characteristics and Workplace Effectiveness

    The effects of personality and emotion on individual behavior and performance at work Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clear to many managers that, unlike what it happened to be the case with non-human mechanistic systems, the dynamics within human systems (e.g. collectives of employees) do not solely concern the qualitative specifications of these systems integral elements,…

  • Personality Influence on Academic Performance

    Table of Contents Introduction Personality Personality Traits Personality Traits Influence on Academic Performance Approaches to Ensure Success Conclusion References Introduction Personality makes a difference in people as the qualities and characteristics of an individual determine some aspects. For instance, academic performance is directly or indirectly influenced by nature. Personality affects performance indirectly via motivations and…

  • Human Learning and Performance: Typing Speed and Accuracy

    Abstract The experiment investigated the impact of the touch and hunt-and-peck typing methods on speed and accuracy aspects. A Black/African American female senior UNF undergraduate student was considered for the experiment. The entire activity ran from Monday, February 22nd, 2021 to April 16, 2021, starting from 6:00 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. The speed was calculated…

  • Psychology: Attachment Styles and Employee Performance

    Introduction In recent years, researchers and employers have both shown increased interest in exploring contributing factors that shape employees attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. It is now argued that the reasons for how employees choose to engage or disengage in workplace activities may be traced all the way back to their childhood experiences. The…

  • Stress and Performance in the Sport

    Table of Contents Introduction Positive stressors Negative stressors Conclusion Reference list Introduction Constructive stress is necessary for good mental and physical health. This positive stress helps one to act with optimum performance in order to achieve certain goals (Burton & Raedeke, 2008, p. 328). When stress is poorly managed or becomes overwhelming it results in…

  • Personality Influence on Academic Performance

    Table of Contents Introduction Personality Personality Traits Personality Traits Influence on Academic Performance Approaches to Ensure Success Conclusion References Introduction Personality makes a difference in people as the qualities and characteristics of an individual determine some aspects. For instance, academic performance is directly or indirectly influenced by nature. Personality affects performance indirectly via motivations and…

  • Human Learning and Performance: Typing Speed and Accuracy

    Abstract The experiment investigated the impact of the touch and hunt-and-peck typing methods on speed and accuracy aspects. A Black/African American female senior UNF undergraduate student was considered for the experiment. The entire activity ran from Monday, February 22nd, 2021 to April 16, 2021, starting from 6:00 p.m. to 6:10 p.m. The speed was calculated…

  • Story Performance and Event by Richard Bauman Literature Analysis

    The Story Performance and Event by Richard Bauman is relatively a short book, but very deceiving. The brevity conceals a hypothetical richness and depth that is hard to find in most works of literature which double its volume. In this book, Bauman illustrates the necessity of novel strategies in the conceptualization of oral narratives. In…

  • Shakespeares Merchant of Venice Performance

    Table of Contents Introduction Performance Overview Critical Analysis Personal Opinion Conclusion References Introduction The play Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare, as all the masterpieces of the prominent writer, raised the themes of love, hatred, betrayal, and honor; the performance transfers the reader into the atmosphere of religious oppression and human portrayal of the central…