Category: Personal Experience

  • How Resilience Can Be Applied To A Personal Experience

    Personal experiences are essentially what we feel and are aware of from moment to moment, often the outstanding events that resonate with us, we consider more of an experience. Instead of pinpointing a specific event in my life where I couldve applied resilience, Id like to approach a more relatable and reoccurring personal experience of…

  • The Role Of Individual Techniques In Volleyball

    While volleyball is classified as a team sport, individual technique is a vital component to a teams success. Maddys game performance lacked in a particular basic technique known as the overhand serve. This was observed when the ball lacked power to reach the opponents defence. The serve poses a great purpose in a game; No…

  • Human Personal Experience In All The Light We Cannot See And The Alchemist

    Composers incorporate the human experience within their texts to allow the reader to question, confront and think deeply about their pre-conceived ideas. This positions the reader to produce a broader perspective on the nature of humanity, whilst also allowing them to respond to the text in a certain way. Both texts All The Light We…

  • Personal Experience Of Going Vegan

    Hello everyone today l would like to share my experience when I went vegan for a month. Some of you might know what is vegan but not as well. Vegan will not consume any products that harm or come from the animal such as they will drink soy milk instead of milk. There are many…

  • The Concept Of Arbitration Through My Personal Experience

    Social psychology explores the psychology behind social interactions. Specifically, it studies how people think, influence, and relate to one another (Brouwer 2019). There are many concepts that make up social psychology, but the one that I decided to explore is arbitration. This idea is an effective way of reducing conflict by bringing in a mediator.…

  • Psychometric Test And My Personal Experience

    I took numerical psychometric test on 29th November 2019. The test as such was focused on basic mathematical principles such as percentages and ratios, applied into real-world situations. Therefore, it required integrating a level of transferable skills. Taking the test made me feel anxious due to the amount of data that I had to process…

  • The Physics Of Volleyball Playing

    I have played volleyball my entire life, from playing with my brothers and sister, to playing throughout grade school and high school. It has always been the sport that I spend majority of my free time on and the sport my parents spent the most time watching because all of my siblings played. Even though…

  • What Sociological Imagination Taught Me

    I am tired of this old me! I need a new and improved me that would change some aspects in my life. I need something or someone that would help me overcome obstacles that I cannot get passed. Maybe my parents, siblings and friends will help, or maybe I can do it on my own.…

  • Essay about Personal Accomplishments

    ‘Personal Accomplishment is those that are attached to your own objectives, and are generally accomplished through your own hard work. In the accompanying passages, I might want to share achievement stories that I accomplished in my life.’ (Anon., 2020) (1)First, I might want to begin with my educational time; Situation- I assumed control over a…

  • When I Realized That I Am a Superhero: Personal Narrative Essay

    The great mission of our day is not conquering the sea or space, disease, or tyranny. The grand quest which calls to the hero in every one of us is to become fully alive  to stand up and claim our birthright, which is inner freedom, love, and radiant purpose, said by Jacob Nordby. Throughout…