Category: Pharmacy

  • Flagyl ER: Pharmacological Characteristics

    Table of Contents Introduction Class and DEA Flagyl ER Description and Brand Names How Supplied and Dosages Dosing Considerations Conclusion References Introduction Flagyl ER is one of the common medications that help prevent the symptoms of bacterial and parasite infections. It is a brand of metronidazole that has been widely successful in treating infections in…

  • Advanced Pharmacology: Arthritis Treatment

    Arthritis is a medical condition that affects the joints, causing inflammation and, to some extent, tenderness. In the U.S., close to 54.4 million individuals have been diagnosed with at least one form of arthritis, of which approximately 23.7 million persons have low work productivity as a result of the condition (Center for Disease Control and…

  • Using Testing as a Learning Tool: Pharmaceutical Education

    The presentation about medication errors was introduced to new nurses and nursing students at the progressive care unit of the local hospital in Dallas. The information was delivered several days ago with several purposes  to share the main facts about the chosen topic, promote a discussion, and check the level of knowledge. Most nurses…

  • Economics for Pharmaceutical Companies

    Table of Contents Introduction Prescription Patents Fixed costs Insurance costs Pharmaceutical research & Factors of Drug prescription Change in Length of patent Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Pharmaceuticals are an industry that is doing well financially due to the patents and exclusive rights they enjoy due to their developments. They are a part of the economy…

  • Medical Pharmacology: Noradrenaline Effect on Vascular Rings

    Introduction Noradrenaline is a hormone produced as a catecholamine by the sympathetic neurons from the heart; it is mainly used as a neurotransmitter. An increase in the levels of this hormone leads to contractions. The adrenal medulla is responsible in the production of this catecholamine that is further released by the synapses. Noradrenaline lacks the…

  • Pharmaceuticals in the U.S.A. Analysis

    It is a widely accepted truth that pharmaceuticals prescription in the U.S. is the most expensive aspect of the entire healthcare system. Americans tend to spend more than 1,200$ on medical drugs a year, which is multiple times more than in any other developed country (Sunrise House, 2019). Raising prices primarily affects uninsured, underinsured people,…

  • Pharmacology and Medicines Optimisation

    Introduction The chosen scenario involves a 46-year-old male with seasonal rhinitis. Martin has been treating the symptoms with the over-the-counter (OTC) drug Piriteze 10 mg once daily. Following his recent diagnosis of hypertension, Martin was administered 10 mg of Enalapril. To ensure that Martins prescriptions do not interfere with his everyday activities, it is essential…

  • Animal Use in Pharmacology: Negative Effects on Humans and Animals

    Animal testing has been a contentious issue in biomedical research for a long time. For decades, scientists have used animals to carry out tests before they implement them on humans. Supporters of the animal testing claim that it enables scientists to understand physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and pathology in humans. On the other hand, animal rights…

  • Ranitidine Medications Pharmaceutical Analysis

    Abstract Ranitidine belongs to the category of H2-receptor blocker drugs. Its mechanism of action entails blocking histamine-2 receptors to prevent histamine from binding, effectively acid release by gastric parietal cells. Oral ranitidine tablets (150 mg) are indicated in the treatment of GERD, gastric and duodenal ulcers (GUs and DUs), hypersecretory states, and pyrosis (heartburn), among…

  • Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice

    Introduction Within the rapid growth and development of the healthcare industry, pharmacogenetics (PGx) addresses critical difficulties concerning data integration into clinical practice. It is necessary to design simple and convenient to use bioinformatics means to assist the clinicians in the fast access and usage of data in clinical decision-making. Weitzel, Cavallari & Lesko (2017) believe…