Category: Political Parties

  • Mexico Political Regime: Old Regime Under the One-Party Regime and the New Multiparty Government

    Table of Contents Introduction Mexicos old regime and forces undermining the PRI New democratic institution The future of Mexico Conclusion References Introduction Vincente Fox won the 2000 presidential elections and this marked the start of the culmination process that would later transform Mexico politically. It was the period when Mexico, reformed from being a one-party…

  • Political Figures Who Are Part of Minority Groups

    Table of Contents Introduction Campaign Message Campaign Strategy Campaign Resources References Introduction It would be impossible to run a campaign without a candidate who is capable of attracting the attention of voters and promote the ideas. More often than not, political figures tend to be white and wealthy middle-aged men who support mostly conservative ideas.…

  • French Political Parties: What Makes Them Different?

    The French political landscape is known for a great number of political parties that change and reform regularly. Historically, the factions were divided along the left-right axis, with the majority of parties being either socialist, such as The Socialist Party, or conservative, such as The National Front or The Republicans. In 2016, however, the first…

  • Interest Groups and Political Parties in the US

    Interest Groups Dark Money Dark money refers to money that fuels and sustains election campaigns but whose sources remain anonymous. It is common knowledge that political campaigns require substantial investments and those candidates who cannot sponsor their efforts independently rely on the contributions and support of political groups and parties. However, in the United States,…

  • Political Background and a Third Party

    American electoral politics is presented by two political parties, which are the Democratic and the Republican. The first political force is a progressive and liberal party on domestic issues that implies the main direction for the welfare of the state, social liberalism, and a mixed economy. This party is the center-left one and intended to…

  • The US Electorate, Campaigns and Political Parties

    Introduction The US uses the first-past-the-post election system, where the candidate with the most votes wins the elections. In this system, it is a prerequisite for the vying candidates to perform campaigns before the election date is reached. The campaigns occur through enrolment in a political party that sponsors the candidates political activities. Besides, the…

  • Republican Party of Louisiana: Lawrence Bagleys Political Summary

    The Republican Party of Louisiana was chosen for this review dedicated to the political structure at the state level. It goes without saying that it supports the main principles of the Republican Partys platform that include economic libertarianism, support for the free market and the private sector, the low level of governmental interference, civil rights…

  • Mexico Political Regime: Old Regime Under the One-Party Regime and the New Multiparty Government

    Table of Contents Introduction Mexicos old regime and forces undermining the PRI New democratic institution The future of Mexico Conclusion References Introduction Vincente Fox won the 2000 presidential elections and this marked the start of the culmination process that would later transform Mexico politically. It was the period when Mexico, reformed from being a one-party…

  • Political Figures Who Are Part of Minority Groups

    Table of Contents Introduction Campaign Message Campaign Strategy Campaign Resources References Introduction It would be impossible to run a campaign without a candidate who is capable of attracting the attention of voters and promote the ideas. More often than not, political figures tend to be white and wealthy middle-aged men who support mostly conservative ideas.…

  • Party Politics in America by M. Hershey

    Introduction Party Politics in America is a chef-doeuvre book by Marjorie Randon Hershey. The book centers on the political parties in the United States of America and it emphasizes the role of politics in the American society. The book analyzes modern political parties coupled with their organization and funding. The author bases her argument on…