Category: Poverty

  • Empowerment and Poverty Reduction

    Introduction Many nations in the world have given priority to health promotion through investment in the major determinants of health. Their increased focus towards improving health outcomes reconfirms the new prominence to health promotion approaches adopted by these nations. Most third world countries are faced with poverty menace and this affects the health of individuals…

  • World Poverty as a Global Social Problem

    Introduction Despite the recent scientific and technological successes, the problem of global poverty still affects millions of people in different parts of the world. Poverty and the key methods helping to reduce it attract the attention of numerous researchers in different areas of expertise. Even though the actual size of global poverty is a highly…

  • Social Policy and Welfare  Poverty and Deprivation

    Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Reasons of Poverty Conclusion References Introduction If a family has a house, car, television, DVD player, fridge, cooker and other gadgets& then to call them poor makes a mockery of the English language (Mckinstry 2007). Nowadays, the definition for poverty had been differently interpreted by people depending on the culture.…

  • Poverty Relation With Immigrants

    Table of Contents Background information Introduction Causes of poverty-related immigration Consequences of poverty-related immigration to various identities Conclusion Background information Following the current changes in technology and modernization, the poverty-related immigration rate has been reported to be very high. It has been revealed that; the current advancement in technology and modernization has resulted in many…

  • Poverty Elimination in Perspective

    Table of Contents The Concept of Poverty Poverty Elimination in Perspective Conclusion References Poverty is a subject that has been on the worlds development agenda since time immemorial. According to Sachs (2005b), prior to the onset of the industrial revolution, almost everyone lived in poverty. The advent of new scientific knowledge and technological advancement gradually…

  • Poverty: Causes and Reduction Measures

    Table of Contents Measurements of Poverty Causes of Poverty Poverty Reduction Measures Conclusion References The eradication of extreme poverty by the year 2015 was one of the millennium development goals that the United Nations member states committed to, during the signing of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. While many countries have made significant progress toward…

  • Wealth, Poverty, and Systems of Economic Class

    Introduction In economics, poverty, wealth, and societys economic stratification are interrelated concepts linked to racial, gender, and regional inequalities. Disparities in income and wealth distribution contribute to societal stratification and the emergence of social classes. In a capitalist economy such as the United States, the conflict arising from competition for scarce resources creates and maintains…

  • Poverty from Functionalist and Rational Choice Perspectives

    Table of Contents Functionalism Rational Choice The Social Issue of Poverty Similarities and Differences in Contemporary Perspectives Personal Interpretation of the Best Perspective Works Cited Within several contemporary perspectives and modern social topics, functionalism and rational choice theory were chosen together with their sociological approach to analyze the issue of poverty. The discussion is supported…

  • The Impact of Poverty on Children and Minority Groups

    Introduction The problem of poverty, not only among children but also among adults, has plagued this planet for a long time. It prevents people from living life to the fullest, consequently affecting society. When it comes to children, they are the ones who suffer the most from peer attacks, lack of education, which leads to…

  • Poverty in Puerto Rico and Eradication Measures

    Table of Contents Introduction Causes and Poverty Rates in Puerto Rico Conclusion References Introduction Studying Puerto Rican poverty as a social problem is essential because it helps identify the causes, effects, and eradication measures in Puerto Rico and other nations experiencing the social problem. The topic helps clarify the fundamental problems Puerto Rico experiences since…