Category: Procrastination

  • Essay on Procrastination

    Essay Example #1 Procrastination is a behavior that can have far-reaching consequences, both in our personal and professional lives. It can lead to feelings of guilt and anxiety, while also limiting our ability to achieve our goals. But what causes procrastination and how can we overcome it? In this essay, I will explore the psychological…

  • Why Are Students Procrastinating?

    Student age is an important period in a persons life, during which a person determines his professional choice, acquires feelings of maturity and identity, plans for the future. Educational and professional achievements that firmly believe in themselves and their abilities for productive activities, and at the same time lay the foundation for successful self-realization in…

  • Social Media And Procrastination

    As of January 2019, around 42% of the worlds population uses social media actively, and it is predicted that this number increases by 13% every year (Kemp, 2018). Society nowadays is no stranger to social media. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are prominent in this technology-saturated society due to it being a…

  • The Hidden Benefits Of Procrastinating

    Introduction Procrastination, the act of postponing or delaying tasks, is a prevalent behavior that affects individuals across all walks of life. It is a deceptive habit that may provide temporary relief or escape, but ultimately hinders personal growth, productivity, and success. With the increasing demands and distractions of modern life, understanding the nature of procrastination…

  • Positive And Negative Views On Procrastination

    When someone struggles with procrastination but has strong perseverance to put forth the efforts they can chuck it forward and succeed! I also feel that it is still possible to have good writing even if one procrastinates until the last minute. It adds more stress and higher anxiety and I have firsthand experienced this but…

  • A Different View On Procrastination

    Procrastination if usually seen as a negative habit, but sometimes it can actually be beneficial. The Cambridge Dictionary defined procrastination as To keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring (Cambridge University Press 2019). Procrastination is considered a bad habit that we all do at some point, in fact…

  • Fluctuating Power Of Challenge Stressors: Good And Bad Of Time Pressure On The Working Life

    For a period of time, abundance of stress literature has attested to the negative influences of stress on employees behaviour and performance (Rodell & Judge, 2009; Stroud, 2008). They predominately concentrated on the causes of stress (noted as stressors) with the supposition that minimising them will improve physical and psychological well-being (Searle & Auton, 2015;…

  • Fluctuating Power Of Challenge Stressors: Good And Bad Of Time Pressure On The Working Life

    For a period of time, abundance of stress literature has attested to the negative influences of stress on employees behaviour and performance (Rodell & Judge, 2009; Stroud, 2008). They predominately concentrated on the causes of stress (noted as stressors) with the supposition that minimising them will improve physical and psychological well-being (Searle & Auton, 2015;…

  • Thesis Statement for Procrastination Essay

    Introduction The contents under the first chapter of this research paper cover the background of the study wherein the overview of procrastination, important definitions, and statistics will be shown. The technical terms and their operative definitions as used in the study will be evident under the area of the definition of terms. The significance of…

  • Behavior Modification on Procrastinating

    As a first-generation college student my ultimate goal is succession within my education, in order to obtain an ultimate future that was unfortunately not accomplished by my family. Therefore, coming from this background holds a major impact in the way one conducts many tasks. However, as any student barriers are encountered, personally one has always…