Category: Procrastination

  • The Aspects Of Academic Procrastination

    Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality defined the pride principle because the habitual in search of of instantaneous delight (gratification) and heading off of ache (Snyder & Lopez, 2007). The reason for procrastionation behaviour can also, however, now not be this simple. Procrastination is an emotionally rooted, multifaceted construct (Abramowski, 2014), described via Scher and…

  • Procrastination and Time Management Essay

    Self-regulation has been defined as the extent to which a person can change their behavior (Muraven et al., 1999). This concept is especially useful when the person struggles with a problem and/or lacks external alternatives to deal with it, such as access to educational resources or counseling sessions. Among the several problem behaviors that an…

  • The Pomodoro Technique In Time Management And Procrastination

    Pomodoro Technique The Pomodoro Technique is a method that is designed to help with time management and procrastination. As modern life increases, more stress tends to build in every persons life. As human beings, we tend to procrastinate from doing a task, because of many other distractions. The Pomodoro Technique keeps you focused on any…