Category: Race

  • The History of the Idea of Race



    The fields of sociology and anthropology have been investigating human differences in relation to their biological and cultural characteristics. Race as a concept has been tackled from various perspectives to explain the reasons for a distinctive appearance and behavioral differences between groups of people inhabiting different geographic locations. With the entrance of the English into…

  • Personalitys Role in Our Beliefs About Race



    Table of Contents Introduction Apathy Dominance Motivation Ego Vulnerability Conclusion References Introduction Racism has been and unfortunately, still is one of the prominent features of American society. Two centuries after slavery abolition and decades after the Jim Crow eras demise, racial tensions in the United States have yet to come to a meaningful resolution. Indeed,…

  • Suburbs, Race, and White Identity in Postwar America



    I believe that the isolation of black citizens from the suburban households and the prevalence of white residents there considerably affected the development of American suburbia. According to Diane Harris (2013), space is constitutive of culture and equally significant in the construction of ideas about race and identity (p. 13). Middle-class citizens occupying suburban houses…

  • Race in Social Scientific Research in the United States



    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion References Introduction Research of diverse issues is usually guided by the corresponding associations. Thus, the study of race as a scholarly and social problem is provided under the statements of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and American Sociological Association (ASA). Both organizations provide their views on social scientific…

  • Do Private Schools in the United States Discriminate Based on Race?



    Table of Contents Old and New Racisms Evaded Racism Antiracist Racism Everyday Racism Structural Racism Conclusion References Racial issues have always been a major problem in the US due to the historical origins of the nations establishment. Therefore, its presence in educational facilities is inevitable, especially because of economic disparities, which result in private schools…

  • Race and Disparities Related to It



    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Method Study Findings Conclusion Reference Introduction The sociological research field embodies numerous topics and relevant issues that need academic investigation. One of the main problems in contemporary American society is race and disparities related to it. Various spheres of life are proved to be impacted by ethnicity, including…

  • The Link Between Race and IQ Test



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction The question of the intelligence gap between races cannot be regarded as ethical to be examined by scientists and researchers. This issue is actively discussed by academicians, and in Race and Intelligence, Rageh Omaar focused on opposite views regarding the possibility that African Americans IQ test…

  • Race and Housing in Postwar America



    Race has had a major influence on shaping and developing American suburbs, as discussed by Harris in Little White Houses: How the Postwar Home Constructed Race in America. The metropolitan areas experienced a significant explosion of diversity associated with the waves of immigration from foreign countries. As racism represented the structure of knowledge and representations…

  • Charleston Shooting: Race Relations in Modern America



    June 17th was the five year anniversary of the Charleston Massacre, in which nine black parishioners were shot and killed by a 21-year-old white supremacist Dylann Roof (Smith). Given Americas tragic history of racially motivated crimes, the Charleston shooting was deemed reflective of the current state of race relations in modern America. Liberal political representatives…

  • Approach to Viewing Race and Race Relations: Critical Race Theory



    Table of Contents What is Critical Race Theory? The issue of master narratives How it Allows Seeing Race Critically? Racism and Other Forms of Oppression What is Critical Race Theory? Critical race theory is an interdisciplinary approach to viewing race and race relations, and the conceptualization of race on which the theory operates is that…