Category: radio

  • Radio Frequency Identification Technology for Business

    Table of Contents RFID: Software Used RFID: Data Used Impact of RFID on Business References RFID: Software Used The possibilities of the modern market of wireless technologies allow expanding the fields of the application of innovations significantly. They make it possible to simplify the algorithms for reading data, transmitting information, and processing the necessary digital…

  • K Tires Radio Frequency Identification Technology

    K Tire is a South Korean company, established in September 1960 when the countrys domestic automotive industry was still in its primitive stage. The same applied to other auto motive parts such as the tire industry. The operations of the company then were affected by facilities shortages and backward technology. This implied that on average,…

  • Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Hearing

    The 2020 public hearing held by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) makes part of a comprehensive review of mobile wireless services. In his opening remarks, Ian Scott, the CEO and chairperson of the CRTC, stated that between 2016 and 2018, providers had made a lot of progress. They invested vast amounts of money…

  • Wireless Networking and Popular Standards

    Abstract This paper presents an overview of wireless networking, emphasising the most popular standards: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and Cellular Networks. A review of what is needed to build a generic wireless network is provided. The literature attempts to discuss the most popular wireless technologies and their protocols. An overview of the advantages that wireless networks…

  • Radio Frequency Identification Technology Concepts

    Table of Contents Introduction RFID and Other Identification Devices How RFID works Current Issues Applications of RFID Problems with RFID Conclusion References Introduction Identification and authentication are the most important requirements of any security system. Electronic systems such as computers and communication devices have some sort of identification and authentication capabilities. Radio Frequency Identification (RIFD)…

  • Method of Setting Up a Net Gear Wireless Router

    Introduction In the hardware lab, set up a Net gear wireless router and use an iPAQ device to connect to it. Set up Omnipeek on a desktop PC, so that you can capture 802.11 frames. Using your iPAQ device, generate some wireless traffic between the iPAQ and the Net gear access point. Use Omnipeek to…

  • Radio Frequency Identification Aloha Protocols

    Aloha and Slotted Aloha Handling Protocols in RFID Technology Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is used to distinguish, track, and oversee, tagged items using remote correspondence innovation (Aktar, 2016). A genuine concern confronted by RFID innovation is the collisions that happen among tag reactions at the point when questioned by a collision protocol that affects system performance.…

  • Wireless Charging Technologys Evaluation

    Scenario This evaluation report addressed to the VP is a critical analysis of the usability of wireless charging technology developed for smart devices. It covers observations, the findings, the major problems identified, and some recommendations for products improvement. The scope of this report is on user experiences of wireless charging technology. The report does not…

  • Wireless and Mobile Network and Phone Security Issues

    The contemporary world is characterized by an increased use of wireless communication. Such communication entails the use of smart phones and iPods in our daily communications. The use of wireless communication has become very essential which has greatly enhanced sharing of information greatly. Security of the information transmitted over wireless communication and especially in a…

  • Radio Frequency Identification Technology

    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a currently accessible technology that makes auto-identification of different objects possible. In other words, it is a system, also known as Auto-ID, that relies on the exchange of data without contact communication. As it comes from its name, the technology works on radio frequency, where electromagnetic waves serve as a…