Category: Rape

  • Rape Trauma: Intervention and Therapy



    Table of Contents Abstract Client Goal Intervention Method and Design Data Collection Data Analysis and Findings Conclusion References Abstract This paper includes a brief analysis of the intervention aimed at addressing the needs of a rape victim. The 14-year-old African American female exhibited delinquent behavior and depression symptoms. The therapy included elements of CBT, motivational…

  • Disgrace by John Maxwell Coetzee: Attitudes to Rape



    Table of Contents Introduction Rape in Disgrace Davids response Lucys response Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Disgrace is a 1999 novel by J. M. Coetzee, written from the perspective of a middle-aged white South African professor living in Cape Town, who loses his job and, consequently, his usual life after his black student files sexual harassment…

  • Relationships and Rape in Disgrace by Coetzee



    Table of Contents Introduction Melanie and Davids Relationships Rape VS Care Conclusion Works Cited Introduction J. M. Coetzee is an author of a well-known novel that impressed the public at the end of the 20th century and is still often discussed. Disgrace was positively perceived by critics who appreciated the authors desire to make the…

  • The Statutory Rape Laws Analysis



    In general, statutory rape laws are uncontroversial. Few people object to harsh prison sentences for adults who sexually prey on minors. However, in practice these laws are not always so straightforward. Some statutory rape cases do not involve stereotypical child molesters, but rather statutory rapists not much older than the victim. This raises two questions…

  • Reforms Examination: Rape and Sexual Assault



    Introduction The paper is a critical examination of reforms that need to be done in regards to rape and sexual assault. This is accomplished by explaining the eight areas of rape law that reformers seek to change as well as an examination of whether these reforms have been adopted by the state, of Nevada. It…

  • Non-Consent: Reforming the Law of Rape



    Rape is a serious crime that entails a lengthy prison sentence for the offender and causes severe psychological trauma for the victim. Rape can destroy years of life and should involve an appropriate punishment from the legal system. However, about half of the states in the US consider non-consent to be insufficient to admit rape.…

  • Sex Offenses: Rape and Sexual Assault



    The article The Riddle of Rape-by-Deception and the Myth of Sexual Autonomy by Jed Rubenfeld, a Law Professor at Yale University, argues that if we are serious about protecting peoples right to make their own decisions about their sexual autonomy, we will make all types of sexual activities by deception illegal and that makes Rape…

  • Date Rape and Victim-Offender Relationships Analysis



    Uniform Crime Report/ National Crime Victimization Survey: Strengths and Weaknesses of These Reports The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) were developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in order to provide nations with uniform crime statistics at the end of the 1920s; The FBI became responsible for gathering, analyzing, presenting, and archiving data from…

  • The Statutory Rape Laws Analysis



    In general, statutory rape laws are uncontroversial. Few people object to harsh prison sentences for adults who sexually prey on minors. However, in practice these laws are not always so straightforward. Some statutory rape cases do not involve stereotypical child molesters, but rather statutory rapists not much older than the victim. This raises two questions…

  • A Trial on Rape Accusations and Motions



    This case study is based on rape accusations against three men, Jones, Walsh, and Bert. Not all defendants were involved in this illegal action, which requires them to file motions. These motions will allow Bert and Wallace to dismiss the case or ask the judge to review their offense separate from the rape case. This…