Category: Relativism

  • Contradictions of Relativism and Subjectivism

    Shafer-Landau explains that belief within the society can be divided into two. The first branch of the belief system within a society is based on a specific individual. Different individuals have different beliefs about the various actions that take place within the society in which they live in. Hence, an action which one individual might…

  • Honesty Through Moral Relativism Lens

    Last week one of my friends was preparing to leave for an important date, and before she left the house, she asked my opinion concerning her dress. I told her that the dress was horrible before clarifying that was my personal opinion, and it does not matter in the end. She was mortified by my…

  • Gambling Justification Through Moral Relativism

    Last week I met some friends, and in our conversation, the issue of gambling came up, and five individuals in a group of seven argued that this practice is immoral. I could not understand why such an issue could be controversial, but I quickly realized that all those against gambling were international students from China,…

  • Aspects of Moral Relativism

    Moral relativism is a philosophical position according to which moral or ethical provisions do not, in fact, reflect universal moral truths. However, this kind of relativism does not deny the truth  it merely affirms its relativity. The adepts of moral relativism state that humans are not omniscient, and history is contains examples of people…

  • Relativism and the Dialectical Method: Differences Between Them

    Relativism is based on the assumption that all diverse viewpoints are equally valid since the various perspectives relate to the observers domain in one way or another. In turn, the dialectical method is founded on the premise that a conversation between two people holding conflicting perspectives can establish the truth through a well-reasoned argumentation to…

  • Universalism Versus Relativism in Corporate Social Responsibility

    Universalism and relativism describe the two mutually contradicting moral perspectives that arise in connection with cultural issues. The universalist position states that the same ethical and moral codes apply globally regardless of local cultural differences. This viewpoint is enshrined in documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which insists that everyone should receive the…

  • Universalism and Relativism in Global Social Corporate Responsibility

    Norms, values, and behaviors of different cultures can often contradict each other. Therefore, an international company and its employees can be torn between the ethical principles of the host country, where they meet a completely different set of moral values. However, proponents of cultural universalism believe humanity lives in a civilization based on universal values…

  • Reasons Why Relativism is the Worst Idea Ever

    The philosopher Allan Bloom once lamented: There is one thing a professor can be absolutely certain of: almost every student entering the university believes, or says he believes, that truth is relative. Perhaps Bloom overstated his case, but as a university teacher myself, I think hes onto something. Do people who proclaim that truth is…

  • Harry Gensler’s Views on Cultural Relativism and Subjectivism: Analytical Essay

    Harry Gensler, a professor of philosophy at the University of Scranton, compares and analyses theories of cultural relativism and subjectivism. Gensler analyses the problems that arise from cultural relativism and subjectivism. What a leader believes from a moral and ethical point of view is often influenced by what the leader has been told to grow…

  • Analytical Essay on the Theory and Essence of Relativism

    There is a lot of controversies when it comes to ethics and what is morally right and wrong. So, over the years many people have tried to create theories in order to bring some clarity but I feel this has only bought on more complications and disputes. In this essay I will be discussing the…