Category: Retirement

  • Retirement: Transition From Work to After-Work Life

    Table of Contents Introduction Challenges that Retirees Face Coping Strategies after Retirement Changes in Life Satisfaction at Retirement and After Changes in Physical Activity Patterns in Retirement References Introduction Many workers find it challenging to transition from work to after-work life, a significant transitional stage for every employee is retirement. At the moment, the number…

  • Retirement Planning: Analysis and Basic Problems

    Benedicta is planning for his retirement based on his current savings and salary. Table 1 indicates all assumptions that are taken into consideration for retirement planning. He has savings, which are considered as savings at the start of the plan. His salary is expected to increase by 2% every year till he reaches his retirement…

  • Researching of Life After Retirement

    Table of Contents Introduction Aim Conceptual Clarification Discussion Conclusion Recommendation Bibliography Introduction Retirement is a significant life event that is accompanied by changes in daily routines, social roles, social connections, and income in later adulthood. Older people are spending more time in retirement as their life expectancy increases. Pension and savings schemes have alleviated the…

  • Social Security Retirement Fund System: Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Reasons for the Concern Solutions Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Ensuring that aging people have a decent life of the required quality is an essential part of the governments function. However, in light of the recent developments in the global economic and financial field, as well as on local levels, some of…

  • Retirement Plan Selection for an American Employee

    Table of Contents Introduction 403B 401K Pension Annuities IRA Estate Planning Conclusion References Introduction The selection of a retirement plan is an important task and a responsibility of any employee. When it comes to retirement planning, there are many options from which contemporary workers can choose. However, it is important to have detailed knowledge and…

  • Mandatory Retirement Age for Federal Judges

    Introduction The problem of mandatory retirement age (MRA) for judges in the United States has been discussed for years. On the surface, there is little to no controversy in the very concept of retirement age; on the contrary, the very notion was created in order to ease the tension of the extremely complicated environment of…

  • The Employee Retirement Income Security Concept

    In the labor sector, the term The Employee Retirement Income Security (ERISA) refers to a federal law protecting the workers retirement assets who work in private industries in America. The laws implementation was in 1974 to govern that the cautioner does not exploit planned benefits. In addition, it protects some non retirement accounts such as…

  • Mandatory Retirement Age for Federal Judges

    Introduction The problem of mandatory retirement age (MRA) for judges in the United States has been discussed for years. On the surface, there is little to no controversy in the very concept of retirement age; on the contrary, the very notion was created in order to ease the tension of the extremely complicated environment of…

  • The Employee Retirement Income Security Concept

    In the labor sector, the term The Employee Retirement Income Security (ERISA) refers to a federal law protecting the workers retirement assets who work in private industries in America. The laws implementation was in 1974 to govern that the cautioner does not exploit planned benefits. In addition, it protects some non retirement accounts such as…

  • Thinking About Retirement: Perceptions of Retirement

    Life expectancy is nowadays considerably higher than it was in the previous century thanks to the development of healthcare and society as such. Today the part of the elderly population has grown due to a decrease in fertility rates in developed countries. In the U.S., almost 15% of the population is retired, which means they…