Category: Safety

  • Safety Technique: The Hierarchy of Controls

    To prevent the occurrence of profession-related accidents while working with any equipment, every manager and worker should be aware of the hazards of specific apparatus and follow the measures that can control them. In the case of a metal shearing machine, the main hazards include contact with scrap metal, entrapment from moving parts, blades, or…

  • Community Resources that Promote Safety. Marion Senior Services

    Community resources are assets that are accessible to all community members which help them meet their particular needs. The resources can be funded or run by the government, individuals, or non-profit groups, and they serve a community in different ways. People, community services, or structures such as clinics and safe houses are examples of community…

  • Safety Evaluation Techniques and Accident Data Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Data sources Primary accident types Contributing factors of accidents Analysis Discussion Limitations Assumptions Conclusion and recommendation Works Cited Introduction The main aim of this report is to find out the number of accidents that occurred in the year 2010 in the recreational boating services in US. The accidents has been grouped…

  • A Persons Safety Is Not Increased by Buying a Gun

    Safety is defined as a state in which a person protects himself from any arm that can arise. Safety has become a key concern for many people in the world today. It is clearly understood that where there is no safety, there are more chances of harm or even death. The study done so far…

  • Research Methodologies for Crane Workers Safety

    Abstract Crane workers safety is a serious employee and social problem all over the World in crane employees. Safety is first recognized as a separate a human resource issue that is given care for a long time. Often misunderstood as split personality, it is actually a serious human resource with low productivity production. Research Problem/Research…

  • Fire Service Safety: Sample Plan

    Introduction For each scientific research, clear and planned actions are necessary to achieve the best result. Previous work on the safety of fire services considered literary sources that can help the progress of the work. This paper explores such an aspect of the experiment as the definition of the sample and its plan. Moreover, the…

  • Public Safety and Individual Rights

    Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Conclusion Reference list Introduction Statutory authority is usually practiced in almost every federal government under the various state departments especially under department of defense and security. In this case, this statutory authority is practiced in correspondence with the existing laws and acts of parliament; where in this case this…

  • Research Methodologies for Crane Workers Safety

    Abstract Crane workers safety is a serious employee and social problem all over the World in crane employees. Safety is first recognized as a separate a human resource issue that is given care for a long time. Often misunderstood as split personality, it is actually a serious human resource with low productivity production. Research Problem/Research…

  • Public CCTV Surveillance: Safety vs. Privacy

    CCTV cameras on city streets are gradually becoming an everyday reality all over the world. The expected result of the widespread introduction of cameras as a measure of social control is an increase in the transparency of the streets for law enforcement agencies. However, the concept of a transparent society where all actions are visible…

  • Safety Presented by the Use of Bisphenol-A (BPA)

    Bispenol-A (BPA) is a very essential chemical compound used in the manufacture of a variety of plastic-based materials. For instance, the manufacture of epoxy resins as well as the polycarbonate plastics heavily relies on the availability of bisphenol A (Chenier, 2002). The plastics are thereafter used to make containers for packing and storing food and…