Category: Sex

  • Sexual Revolution in the 20th Century

    Not for long can the question of sexuality or its morality can be ignored. However one tried to compress but individuals are driven and lead their actions with somewhere or the other a desire for sex. Focus should be exerted on the morality of sexuality and now the changing scenarios In this arena. And not…

  • Autobiography Example Essay

    A Sexual Autobiography An autobiography is a self-written account of the events that have taken place in ones life (Pascal 1). A sexual autobiography on the other hand would be a personal investigation of the development of ones sexual self. This composition tries to answer the question of how did I become the sexual person…

  • Synthesis Essay on Teens Sexting

    Sexting in this day and age is communion in teens because we dont get taught how bad sexing s what it is and the effects that it could have on you and others around you the law on sexting is you cannot do it under 18 if you do it, class, as making child porn…

  • Sex Work In China And Netherlands



    Sex Work in China Historical Perspective of Sex Work Sex work has been a visible part of the Chinese culture throughout history for more than 2000 years (Zhou, 2006). Chinas first brothels were developed in the early 17th century B.C. as a way to increase the state income by the famous philosopher Guan Zhong (Ruan,…

  • Drug Abuse And Sexual Angst Of Teenagers



    Introduction Marijuana has always been known as the harmless drug in common circles. With movies and musicians glorifying it, many youngsters have taken up on this habit. The young perception is that as the marijuana comes from a plant, its supposed to be benign. The situation is even worse actually. The usage of marijuana and…

  • Shining Light On The Lives Of Sex Workers: A Step Towards Humanity



    Abstract Sex work, is like any other profession in the world and the workers involved in such trade must be allowed to conduct their business freely without government intervention. That is to say, decriminalization of sex work is what is needed rather than legalization. Although there is a thin line of difference between prostitution and…

  • Sex Dreams From The Point Of View Of Sociosexuality, Gender And Erotophilia



    Previous research was preformed surrounding the topic of sex dreams and why they occur. Although dreams have been a source of fascination for people throughout recorded history, many questions remain about what dreams are, why we dream, and what informs the content of our dreams (Hmidan &Weaver, 2019, pg 5). The study identifies the reasoning…

  • The Ways Of Treatment And Sentencing Sex Offenders



    Due to the nature of their crimes, sex offenders are often the most loathed criminals. Even within the prison population, sex offenders children, families, and the general public are impacted when a sex offendeer is released. The affect of sex offenders in the community varies depending on an individuals line of thinking, but overall both…

  • The Problem Of Children And Youth Sex Trafficking



    What does sex trafficking mean to you? Is your definition of sex trafficking the same as mine or the person sitting next to you? The answer is yes, but how we think and define it is completely different for the each of us. Sex trafficking is when women, men, and children are made into slaves…

  • Premarital Sex: For And Against



    To all who are married and are planning to get Married, Aside picking a partner in Life, aside the fact that he/she should be GOD Fearing and Purpose Driven, SEX is Very Vital and plays a Crucial Role in all marriages and any other Intimate Relationship, I am not Saying people should have Premarital Sex,…