Category: Slavery in the World

  • Slavery: A Thing Of The Past?

    It is 2019 and here we are making our selections for our ATAR courses for next year. We are thinking about the years to come and we are quietly excited that there is a future awaiting us where we will hold decent jobs, have decent homes and decent lives. Perhaps we will travel. Perhaps we…

  • To What Extent Does Slavery Still Exist In The 21st Century?

    It is widely believed that slavery, in all, has ceased to be practiced. However, despite the fact that many people falsely think slavery has completely ended, it truly hasnt for everyone. Slavery is still a very present, brutal reality worldwide and has become a global problem. The number of people enslaved are higher today than…

  • Are We Condoning Modern Slavery In The World?

    Slavery. We associate slavery with the nineteenth century trade of Africans across the Atlantic ocean and that it was abolished then. But was it really ever abolished? Slavery itself has always been considered a third world problem when really it happens at every corner of the world, right under our noses. We dont seem to…

  • Indentured Servitude Versus Slavery In Colonial America

    Life for slaves and indentured servants in colonial America was different from anything modern Americans have experienced. Not only did their lives differ from Americans lives today, the lifestyles of servants and slaves also differed from one another. Many colonists came to America as indentured servants in search of a new and better life, while…

  • The Aspects Of Greek And Roman Slavery

    Slavery, almost unanimously, can be viewed as a blemish on the history of mankind. It is immoral and simply wrong to own another human being and force them to work for very little in return. A hot topic in relatively recent years has been the following: can we continue to praise a societys advancements and…

  • Reparations And Slavery In The USA

    Beginning in 1619 and ending in 1865 the united states of America practiced slavery on African/African American individuals. Slavery is system where property law is applied to human beings, meaning one person can buy, sell, and own another person. Slavery has been a dark part of American history, a great wrong committed by the US…

  • Why New World Slavery Of The 16th To 19th Centuries Had Such A Profound And Lasting Effect Compared To Other Eras?

    INTRODUCTION In the 8th century, Arabs began taking slaves from Central and Eastern Africa and transporting them to the Middle East, India, and the Far East. Later, in the 15th century, Europeans began removing West Africans and moving them to the Americas and Europe through the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. Even though slavery was present…

  • Slavery As A Factor For Civil War In America

    Slavery was the main provoking factor that made a Civil War break out in America. This was because there was a clear distinction between Northern Abolitionists and people in the South who heavily relied on slavery, because they were needed for their agricultural based economy. This issue escalated when the cotton gin was invented because…

  • Pro-Slavery Beliefs And Ideologies

    For slave owners, many arguments that were believed to be powerful enough to overwhelm the abolitionist’s theories have been repeated and taught as a pro-slavery ideology. Slave owners argued that ending slavery would have had a profound and budgetary effect in the As their ethics became bombarded by the anti-slavery bias, slave owners and politicians…

  • The Abolition Of Slavery In Northeast Brazil

    Abstract The article identifies the models of exploitation held in sugar plantations during the abolition of slavery in Brazil. It is argued that the process of abolition in the Northeast sugar region did not represent a transition from a race-based system of coerced labour to a post-slavery system based on free labour. The conditions for…