Category: Social Change

  • CBPR Vital for Social Change

    The assigned case study provides a model for the application of the CBPR approach in improving food security in Bayview Hunters Point Community, San Francisco, by describing a local security policy effort among a local community-based organization, a local health department and an external evaluator (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2008). The partnership explains the application of…

  • Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change

    Social media has reconfigured numerous aspects of society and particularly enhanced peoples communicative power through the platforms which facilitate the expression of uncensored reality. Consequently, it has become the ideal tool for amplifying voices, raising awareness, and calling for social change. The networks have created expansive online communities where people source and share relevant information…

  • Aspects of Media and Social Change

    Global history proves that social movements, technological innovations, and media, combined or separated, can create social change. Another thing that the historical discipline shows is that the process of bringing it in can be brutal or peaceful. The current century is comparatively calmer regarding social transformation and change, and social medias contribution to it is…

  • Social Changes Caused by World War II

    A tragedy of a massive scale that was World War II pushed human civilization into a new era that was marked by several shifts in societal norms. It has changed the way of life for numerous countries as they were left in a chaotic, exhausted state. However, World War II also provided many opportunities to…

  • Social Change: Definition, Factors And Theories

    Whats social change? Its referring to any major change with time in cultural values, behavior patterns,& norms. Through Major change, sociologists mean changes yielding deep social concerns. Cases of major social changes having lasting effects include the feminist movement, the abolition of slavery, and the industrial revolution. Sociologists today willingly readily accepted the important part…

  • The Role Of Public Administration In Social Change

    Public administration is centrally involved with the organization of presidency policies and programmes furthermore because of the behavior of officers (usually non-elected) formally to blame for their conduct.’ Many unelected public servants is thought of to be public directors, as well as heads of town, county, regional, state and federal departments like municipal budget administrators,…

  • Peculiarities Of Social Change In Africa

    By looking at concepts such as modernisation and urbanisation which arose from the Industrial Revolution, as well as racism, discrimination and the formation of class structures as studied and documented by Web Dubois, one will be able to conclude that these concepts which arose from European and North American sociology is useful to a large…

  • Theories Of Social Change: Modernity And Postmodernity

    Society is complex and at times difficult to understand given how vastly its functionality varies over time. It can, therefore, be useful to look at past sociological theories to understand the social change that we witness during different periods. Within this essay, I will be looking at aspects of both modernity and postmodernity to understand…

  • The Correlation Of Social Change And Education

    The only constant thing in every society is change. Henry Pratt Fairchild, an American sociologist defined social change as variations and modifications in any aspects of social process, pattern and form. Throughout history, civilizations have been subjected to numerous social changes be it on a small scale or a larger one, short and long term,…

  • Necessity Of Social Change In Peoples Attitudes To Mental Illnesses

    Mental health tends to be treated quite differently from physical health due to peoples attitudes that mentally ill persons are violent. Mental health problems usually happen in a psychosocial context, and this implies that social factors have a significant role in the management of mental illnesses. Nurse practitioners (NPs) have a responsibility of ensuring that…