Category: Soviet Union

  • The Soviet Union and Chinas Strategic Approaches

    Nations The Soviet Union emerged as a response to a dysfunctional monarchy system, which took place in Russia before Lenin. He was the one who initiated the process of revolution within the nation, which resulted in the Communist party becoming victorious. However, Maos goal was to industrialize China to seek out economic prosperity. The main…

  • The Last Soviet Generation: Term Definition

    Table of Contents Introduction Main text Conclusion References Introduction It now became a commonplace practice among political scientists to refer to seventy years of Soviet Unions geopolitical existence within methodological framework totalitarianism vs. democracy. Nevertheless, people who were born and raised in USSR (especially the representatives of Soviet last generation) would strongly disagree with suggestions…

  • The Soviet Union and Chinas Strategic Approaches

    Nations The Soviet Union emerged as a response to a dysfunctional monarchy system, which took place in Russia before Lenin. He was the one who initiated the process of revolution within the nation, which resulted in the Communist party becoming victorious. However, Maos goal was to industrialize China to seek out economic prosperity. The main…

  • The Peculiarities of the Social and Economic Life in the Soviet Union during the 1930s

    The period of the 1930s in the Soviet Union is one of the most controversial historical eras in which consequences and results influenced the further development of the country. This period is associated with the figure of the CPSU leader Iosif Stalin and with the Great Terror and a lot of repressions. In 1935, Iosif…

  • The US and the Soviet Union: History

    In the aftermath of World War II and during the Cold War, there were two spheres of influence in Europe. Western Europe supported the capitalist principles of the USA, whereas Eastern and Central European countries sympathized with the Soviet Union seeking to have communist governments in place. This entailed significant political and economic differences …

  • History of Russia After the Soviet Union

    From the time when Soviet Union was founded in 1922, Communist henchmen thought of it as simply a tool of spreading Communism across the Globe. Soviet coat of arms featured sickle and hammer over the Earth and Soviet Constitution openly stated that it was only the matter of time, before the rest of worlds countries…

  • The Rivalry Between English Speaking and Soviet World

    The rivalry between the two blocks was rooted in the differences in how these nations approached ideology and politics, as well as the cultural diversity of these nations. The USSRs leaders promoted communism, while the United States was the greatest example of democracy at that time. These differences in the way the states viewed their…

  • Life in the US and in the Soviet Union in the 60s

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction In the 1960s, there were sharp contrasts in the way people in the United States and the Soviet Union led their lives. These differences were as a result both the political circumstances of the time as well as the prevailing economic ideologies in these two sides.…

  • The Postwar Crisis in the US and the Soviet Union

    From Kennans telegram, the U.S. perceived the postwar crisis as the era of increased risks linked with unwanted ideologies spreading across Europe and Western powers. Specifically, the absence of courage and self-confidence and the American nations possible inability to provide European peoples with guidance faster than the Soviet Union would do it fuelled the countrys…

  • K.G.B National Security Agency of Soviet Union

    Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Literature Review The Organizational Structuring Internal Control and the Organization roles Party Control Personnel Policy KGB Domestic security Conclusion Works Cited Executive Summary Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti was a Russian translation of Committee for State Security, commonly abbreviated as KGB. The Committee for State Security (KBG), was the Soviet Union…