Category: Space

  • Record Breaking X-37B Unmanned Space Plane

    Introduction USA-240 is the third spaceflight of the U.S. Air Forces X-37 experiment program to ascertain the technological reliability and reusability of unmanned spacecraft in orbital missions. The secretive flight, which logged 675 days orbiting the earth, marked the first re-flight of the agile space shuttle specially designed to withstand re-entry heat and autonomous landing…

  • Voice Loops as Cooperative Aids in Space Shuttle Mission Control

    This article deals with voice loops  a group software technology that allows operators to coordinate their actions with many spatially remote personnel. This technology will enable workers to keep in touch and receive the necessary messages without stopping their activities or interfering with other workers activities (Patterson et al., 1999). Each type of loop…

  • Different Races in the Same Space

    Many scholars investigating sociology have paid much attention to the inter-relation between race and space. Indeed, the common values and beliefs about race dominating a particular society or neighborhood define the ways in which space is created, adjusted, and used. Despite the claimed and actively popularized ideas of racial and ethnic equality in the USA,…

  • High-Temperature Materials Selection: Space Shuttle Shield and Turbochargers

    Introduction Components such as heat shields for spacecraft and for turbochargers are very challenging. They are subjected to very high operating temperatures and especially heat shields should never fail. The recent crash of the space shuttle Challenger happened because the heat shields failed and as a result, the catastrophic failure and crash of the space…

  • Space Telescope Science Institute Presentation

    Table of Contents Introduction What Was Learned Reflections on the Presentation Conclusion Work Cited Introduction This paper presents a reflection on the presentation hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The event provided insight into the process that takes place between the scientific idea and Hubble press releases. The presentation allowed me to learn…

  • Space Informational Guides: Analysis

    Institute of Nature Studies and Animal Behavioral Research Recycling in Nature Nature maintains balance, and its systems help in this task without waste. For this purpose, a recycling system is needed; an example is the nutrient cycle (Banerjee, 2022). Its essence is that nutrients, such as water, carbon, oxygen, and other minerals, circulate in nature.…

  • Space Exploration Through the Humanitarian Lens

    It is essential to note that exploring the topic of space exploration through the humanitarian lens can still use economic and technological factors. From a technological point of view, the classic satellite industry lags far behind SpaceX, which is steadily advancing capacity and decreasing the price of Falcon rockets, respectively. SpaceX to solve these problems…

  • Space and Cyberspace Deterrence

    For decades the US army has emphasized deterrence, basing their advancements on nuclear weapons to improve their defense services. The army significantly invested in huge war tanks, ships, and aircraft. Currently, a broader challenge spectrum faces army deterrence, including space and cyberspace. Many third-world countries like the US, China, Russia, and Canada have developed space…

  • The International Space Station: Building for the Future

    The International space station is a globally established exploration facility constructed in a low- world orbit. It is the biggest space station ever assembled. Construction of the ISS began in the year 1994. The station will be completed by the year 2012. It is expected that this station will be operational up to the year…

  • Space Exploration: UAE and INDIA Space Cooperation

    The space sector is one of the most critical and prospective branches of any economic development. Nowadays, world governments perform significant contributions to the development of innovative programs in the relevant sphere. One would hardly argue with the fact that the successful performance within the space industry might assist considerably in the improvement of the…