Category: State

  • Why Puerto Rico Should Not Become a State? Essay

    Puerto Rico is a political oddity. It is part of the United States, but unlike the United States, it has citizenship but does not have full political representation. Puerto Rico has been a US colony for over one hundred and twenty-three years. The statehood bill would allow Puerto Rico to become the fifty-second state and…

  • What Is the Relationship Between the Citizen and the State? Essay

    As a citizen in a democratic nation for all my life, I would not deny of thinking of not obeying the state on various of laws. As I thought of the question over time of why I should obey the state, and other citizen should to. The state allows and creates a society of peace…

  • Essay on Gender, Class and Terrorism

    Background: Study of terrorism is growing and portrayal of terrorism in media, motivation and recruitment processes, individual agency and environmental enablers are different factors within a terrorist organization that have been extensively studied. However, as most terrorist activities were undertaken by men, the studies inadvertently produced results that are relevant to men. Women also contribute…

  • Argumentative Essay on Vegan Pets

    It is no doubt that pet owners invest a lot into the well-being of their precious furry animals. With the growing popularity of veganism worldwide, owners are now opting to make their pets follow this diet. New research reveals that out of nearly 4,000 pet owners, a large chunk of them are interested in changing…

  • Persuasive Essay on Vaccines

    If a person has poor hygiene, decides to eat unhealthily, or refuses a seatbelt while driving, it does not have a direct impact on the health of others. Being unvaccinated, however, can affect the health of a community, and infectious diseases can be spread in places such as work or school. Vaccinations are a safe…

  • Informative Speech on Stress Management

    Within this essay, I will discuss Stress and Stress Management Techniques. Stress is a force that tends to strain or deform mental emotion or physical tension. Stress can be an unwanted feeling with deep emotions and physiological arousal which can be experienced in certain situations. When we look at different definitions of stress it can…

  • Persuasive Essay on Stress Management

    There are many different ways to control stress. Stress is responding to changes in life, in a difficult or emotional situation. Life involves a change to everyone at any time and they can be constant. Stress can come from many different ways which are known as Stressors. There is no way to avoid stress, it…