Category: Student

  • Advantages of Studying in a University Abroad

    Going to a different country for university studies is getting more common all over the world and definitely, it has a lot of benefits for a student. However, why is it necessary to change your country for university and why should students make such a choice? Is it worth of leaving your family at home…

  • Effects of Social Stigma on University Students

    What exactly are the right characteristics, that one must have, in order for society to approve of them? Who is responsible for approving the wanted characteristics for the most part of their lives, when the youth struggle for individuality? Doing this, results in them subconsciously conforming to the social norms, set by pre-existing values and…

  • Effects of University Relationships on Students

    University education is an important milestone in the life of a person who has had the privilege of going through one. The purpose of university education is to train the mind to learn to think and develop virtues that will prepare you for life. University education is essentially the last step a person takes before…

  • Main Factors Affecting the Quality and Provision of Higher Education Services to Students

    Education entails the process that instils skills, knowledge, and production capabilities in the labour force, and it is an important component which influences the pace and character of social, economic development of a nation. UNESCO (2005) stipulated that the educational status of individuals in a country tends to be a key indicator of its level…

  • Main Causes of Suicide among the Teenager, Students and Young Adults: Analytical Essay

    Suicide is a subject that is not talk about often. Suicide does not only affect adults, but it affects teenagers and students as well. Suicide can happen to anyone. The age group which is presently becoming victim of such activity are mainly students and teenagers. A student or teenager will think of suicide or would…

  • Intention To Adopt Time Management Strategies

    Abstract Sherman (2013) proposed that the affirmation of an individuals self-worth in one area can protect against negative behaviours in other areas. Rubin (2020) hypothesised that greater intentions for using time management strategies will occur in participants who self-affirm before watching a persuasive video message. In the present research, 414 participants who were undergraduate students…

  • Time Management for Working Students Essay

    Take heart if you are juggling work and school because you are not the only one. It gets even more difficult when you have a family to take care of. But you shouldnt let time shortage make you drop out of school or give up on your job. How exactly can you stay on the…