Category: Sustainability

  • The Use of Renewable Energy Sources

    Sustainable living and development are defined as the ability to prosper as an economy without negatively impacting the earth and its resources. This topic is very important to me as I am living in South Africa, the 30th most polluted country in the world. This is also a relevant topic because as I grow up,…

  • The Four Pillars of Sustainability

    Most answers to the sustainability challenges of today are easily given; however, these resolutions often do not satisfy all of the major perspectives that have a final say regarding this topic. Generally, sustainability requires consideration of a total of four key aspects; (1) environmental, (2) social, (3) cultural, and (4) economic. With these four sustainability…

  • The Ford Motor Company as an Example of Sustainability

    The issue of sustainability is a relatively new development in human history. Before the industrial revolution, resources were ample, and the idea of pollution was nearly nonexistent. However, once manufacturing was developed the need for raw materials increased exponentially. At first this was not such a huge problem, but over time the resources depleted. Fast…

  • Sustainability Pros and Cons

    What is sustainable development? According to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, it involves development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The definition is nearly as broad and all-encompassing as it sounds, covering everything from infrastructure to climate to water and energy…

  • Sustainability and MTEQ

    Introduction Sustainability is most referred to as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. Sustainability has three main pillars namely environmental, social and economic sustainability. Sustainability affects every level of organization, ranging from the local neighborhood, and the entire globe. Sustainability is the balance between a…