Category: Temple

  • Reverend Jim Jones as Peoples Temples Founder

    The Peoples Temple, also known as the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, was a religious movement of the 1950s. However, the movement is known primarily for the mass suicide, which its members committed on November 18, 1978, in Guyana (Moore 47). The doctrine of the movement was based on the Marxist principles, which…

  • The Temple Cleansing in the Synoptic Gospels

    The temple cleansing is described differently in the three gospels, Mathew, Mark, and Luke. The different event versions show how the three apostles perceived the incident. Despite Mark being considered the shorted gospel, his description of the event is longer than Mathew and Lukes description. In addition, mark extensively elaborates on the activities undertaken during…

  • Visiting Temple Israel of Greater Miami

    I am a practicing Christian, and I have never visited a temple of another religion before. For this assignment, I decided to visit Temple Israel of Greater Miami. Its peculiar facade always caught my eye, so it was an easy choice. In this paper, I will describe my visit, the building itself, and the sermon…

  • The Nature and Kinds of Shrines in African Religious Symbolization

    The nature of African shrines serves as places whereby the spirits and gods live or manifest themselves, or their holy objects, symbols, statues, and relics, are consecrated. In addition, they are more than places of worship or spiritual vessels (Microsoft Bing, 2022). Therefore, African shrines are physical manifestations of presence and ownership, influential symbols of…

  • The Latest Findings of Maya Cities and Temples

    Maya peoples are known for their high intelligence, profound knowledge of astronomy, agriculture, and arts, and sophisticated culture. Due to the latest explorations in jungles in northern Guatemala, multiple structures, buildings, roads, irrigation systems, and artifacts were found. The findings in Guatemala tell people about the high level of Maya development, their diversity, environmental consciousness,…

  • Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Ceiling

    Table of Contents Introduction The Commission Design and Technique Story of Genesis Conclusion References Introduction The Pope commissioned Michelangelo 1475-1564 CE, a famed Florentine painter and sculptor, to paint pictures on the Vaticans Sistine Chapel ceiling in 1508. Some of the finest Renaissance artists had already adorned the chapels walls. Michelangelo, on the other hand,…

  • Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque: Mosaics of Byzantine Art

    Table of Contents Introduction Color and Background Lining and Mosaics Conclusion Introduction The given formal analysis will primarily focus on Byzantine Art, where the emphasis is put on more abstract elements rather than a naturalistic one. The image is a mosaic, where it brings distinctive features to the imagery, such as depth. The depiction, as…

  • Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Fresco and Riveras Man&

    Both Michelangelos Sistine Chapel Fresco (1508-1512) and Riveras Man, Controller of the Universe (1934) seek to depict mans place in the world. The Sistine Chapel fresco was commissioned by Pope Julius II for the Vaticans Apostolic Palace and was painted by the Florentine artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni between 1508 and 1512 (Zappella). It…

  • Basilica Julia and Temple of Divus Augustus

    Basilica Julia and the Temple of Divus Augustus were two monumental structures situated near one another in the valley of the Roman Forum. At present, the remains of Basilica Julia contain some fragments of the floors and a column from its initial construction; Temple of Divus Augustus remains are unavailable. Both buildings were created as…

  • The Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

    The artifact that was selected for this reflection is the marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis which can be found at the following link. It is originated from the Hellenistic period (300 B.C.). It is an iconic example of the Ionic order column which graced the Ancient Greek buildings. At its full…