Category: Terrorism

  • Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Cyberspace

    Table of Contents Introduction Defining the Topic Discussing the Event and its Implications Conclusions: Gaps and Future Research Bibliography Footnotes Introduction With the development of the cyberspace, some new uses of the related technologies have appeared, including beneficial and malevolent ones. The latter group seems to include electoral interference; the 2016 United States (US) elections…

  • Russian Cyber Terrorism and the United States: A Research Proposal

    Table of Contents Introduction Research Question and Its Justification Theoretical Framework Research Design: A Case Study Preliminary Literature and Conclusion Preliminary Source List Bibliography Footnotes Introduction Cyberattacks have become a political weapon relatively recently, but this new development poses significant threats to the national security of countries all over the world.1 For example, in 2016,…

  • The Power of Cyberterrorism

    Table of Contents Introduction The likelihood of cyberterrorism Effects of a potential cyber attack on potential opponents Conclusion References Introduction The definition of cyberterrorism is quite elusive as many experts have their own understanding of the terminology (Denning, 2000). However, it is best analyzed through a breakdown of the elements that constitute it. The paper…

  • Ways to Defend Against Cyber Terrorism

    Table of Contents Introduction Definition Examples of countries Its implications The effort by the International Society US efforts Effort by Governments to Counter Cyber Terrorism Weaknesses and loopholes Conclusion Reference List Introduction With the advancement of technology, newer ways of terrorism are being developed. Equally, terrorist organizations are becoming more organized and established as international…

  • Hacktivism & Cyberterrorism vs Government Response

    Table of Contents Description The main goal The response of government References Description Hacktivism is the use of technology or computer system for social or political motivations or to promote a certain agenda. One prominent example of hacktivism was Aaron Swartz who broke into the MITs computer system in 2013 and downloaded thousands of academic…

  • A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and How It Relates to Cyber Terrorism

    A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and how it relates to cyber terrorism The internet continues to play a very significant role throughout the world and its demand is expected to increase in all areas, from banking, to telecommunications, to entertainment and to power. Furthermore, it is critical to other essential structures such as health…

  • Cyberterrorism Threat to the United States National Security

    Table of Contents Introduction Dangers of Cyberterrorism Growth of Adversary Capabilities Weak Domestic Cybersecurity Infrastructure Policy Failures Conclusion References Introduction With the expansion of the modern digital environment and the Internet of Things where virtually every device, system, and piece of infrastructure is connected to a network, cybersecurity has become a priority. For both military,…

  • Community Policing Practice and Terrorism Activities

    Community policing was first practiced in 1960. Generally civil unrests led to the development of community policing. Community relation programs were developed to make it easy for the citizens to give information to the police. I view community policing as the best development ever in the police force. This is because it is still the…

  • Holy Terrors: Religion and Terrorism in the US

    What/who caused God to lift the veil of protection which allowed the attacks on September 11, 2001? It seems that Falwell and Robinson lay the blame for what happened on September, 11 completely on Bill Clinton. Falwell and Robinson tended to think that the ex-presidents political moves were not wise enough, which made God teach…

  • Counter-Terrorism and Unemployment Approaches

    In his speech on terrorism and unemployment, Mohamed Ali outlines the core concepts that drive the vulnerability and exposure of the youth to extremist groups. According to Ali, many youths may find themselves in a type of waiting period during their youth in which they are unable to become employed and are largely disenchanted with…