Category: Terrorism

  • International Terrorism in the United States Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction The Threat of Terrorism United States Policy Response Dilemmas faced in the fight against international terrorism Reference List Introduction This is a review of the Congressional Research Service report on International Terrorism, the focus being on threat, policy, and response issues. The report was completed on January 3, 2007. Terrorism refers…

  • Information Warfare and Cyberterrorism

    Contents Introduction Russian Denial-of-Service Attack on the Country of Estonia in 2007 Cyberattacks during the 2008 South Ossetia War between Georgia and Russia US State Department Compromised Computers in the East Asia Bureau in July 2006 Need for Cyber Defense Conclusion References Introduction The last several decades could be characterized by the rapid rise of…

  • International Terrorism in the United States Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction The Threat of Terrorism United States Policy Response Dilemmas faced in the fight against international terrorism Reference List Introduction This is a review of the Congressional Research Service report on International Terrorism, the focus being on threat, policy, and response issues. The report was completed on January 3, 2007. Terrorism refers…

  • The Role of the Media in the Propaganda of Terrorism

    Terrorism The mere mention of the word terrorism is enough to attract the attention of everyone who heard it. Terrorism today draws more attention than disease, famine, poverty, and many other devastating calamities in the world. It is derived from the word terror, which is the one thing terrorists have managed to create in many…

  • How Media Helps Promote Terrorists Agenda

    Terrorism is one of the social stigmas of the modern world. The rise of violent actions peculiar to the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century is associated with the instability in various regions and the clash of different states interests. However, there is an idea that media serves as one…

  • Medias Role on Terrorism

    Table of Contents Introduction Terrorism and propaganda How the press handles terrorism The role of the media in combating terrorism Conclusion References Introduction Terrorism has been a major challenge affecting many nations all over the world. The media, on the other hand, is considered one of the factors that result in terrorism. Terrorism in respect…

  • Terrorist Activities in Media Broadcasting

    Introduction Today, the media plays an important role in the life of any person living in a developed society. We rely on the media for information and entertainment and obtain the vast part of our knowledge about world politics through mass media sources, such as newspapers, television, or the Internet. In times of disaster, media…

  • Terrorism: Definition, History, Countermeasures

    Contents Introduction Current Definitions Historical Overview Motivations Combating Terrorism References Introduction Terrorism has been of social life since the early history of humankind. Nevertheless, the concept of terrorism gained new meaning after the mass-destruction attack on the United States on September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack was carefully planned and resulted in thousands of deaths…

  • War on Terrorism: Reasons, Essence, and Social Outcomes

    War on terrorism is the one of the most notable phenomena observed in the world today. The roots of this war lie, allegedly, in the severe threat to the security and lives of civil citizens of numerous countries of the world. The war itself started as the reaction of the Bush Administration and American Government…

  • Counter-Terrorism: Constitutional and Legislative Issues

    Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Main Discursive Claims Terrorism and Counterterrorism Conclusion References Abstract This paper provides a brief synopsis of the article Should the ticking bomb terrorist be tortured? A case study in how democracy should make tragic choices by Alan Dershowitz and identifies what can be considered this articles main discursive deficiencies. Introduction…