Category: Texas

  • Texas-Related Current Events

    Table of Contents Article Summary Significance and Connection Two Questions and Opinion References Article Summary The authors touch on the highly social topic of police defunding and systemic racism, which appeared in public discourse due to the tragic events in Minneapolis. Clare Proctor and Juan Pablo Garnham (2020) are as unbiased as possible and give…

  • Texas Should Not Legalize Marihuana for Personal or Medical Use

    Table of Contents Introduction The Brief Description of Marihuana as the Drug Substance Medical Uses The Legal Issue Personal Opinion Conclusion References Introduction The drug use is one of the most urgent social and legal problems nowadays. Certain drugs have been historically used as the components of the medicines. Many are prohibited. The legalization of…

  • The History of Oak Cliff Neighborhood, Dallas, Texas

    Table of Contents Geographic Level Geopolitical Level Financial Level Educational Level References Geographic Level The geographical feature of north-central Texas: rolling plains. Humid, subtropical climate; annual precipitation 6 35.77 inches. It is located on the west side of the Trinity River. Occupies the territory of 87 square miles. Elevation above the sea level: 500 to…

  • Northeast Texas: Geographical Analysis

    Texas is the second largest state in the United States of America after Alaska and it has the largest population compared to all other states in America. Northeast Texas is one of the major regions that have attractive geographical features. It is made up of 23 counties and is geographically located at the northeast corner…

  • The History of Oak Cliff Neighborhood, Dallas, Texas

    Table of Contents Geographic Level Geopolitical Level Financial Level Educational Level References Geographic Level The geographical feature of north-central Texas: rolling plains. Humid, subtropical climate; annual precipitation 6 35.77 inches. It is located on the west side of the Trinity River. Occupies the territory of 87 square miles. Elevation above the sea level: 500 to…

  • Northeast Texas: Geographical Analysis

    Texas is the second largest state in the United States of America after Alaska and it has the largest population compared to all other states in America. Northeast Texas is one of the major regions that have attractive geographical features. It is made up of 23 counties and is geographically located at the northeast corner…

  • Mexican Immigrants in Texas and Their Impacts

    Introduction Texas is the second-largest state in the United States of America. It is situated in the south-central part of the country and shares an international border with Mexico. Due to the geographical location and economic prospects, the region has, for a long time, attracted immigrants and other US natives. As a result, present-day Texas…

  • Comparison of Arizona and Texas

    THESIS: Although Arizona and Texas have differences such as nicknames, different touristic places to visit, economic fact sheets, they also have many things in common; the similarities between Arizona and Texas conclude in their weather which is hot and dry, in their location in the border with Mexico, common historical periods and events and cultural…

  • Texas Political Events: Woodlands Incorporation Issue

    The case of Woodland township incorporation is the focus of the article by Buckley. The residents of Woodlands are fighting to shift the locations status from a township to a city, which might result in increased freedom of infrastructure management (Buckley, 2021). According to Lasswells definition of politics, successful city incorporation will grant the residents…

  • Discriminatory Voting Policies in Texas

    The conflict over voting rights has put the state of Texas under scrutiny due to a pattern of discrimination observed for decades. In this light, there have been calls for close federal government supervision to curb the practice. Texas is known for its infamous voter identification exercises, which have increased voter restrictions for minority groups…