Category: Tornado

  • Tornadoes and The Importance to Be Prepared

    A tornado is a destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath the base of a thunderstorm connecting to the ground. It is made up of water, dust, and debris. A tornado is the most violent of all atmospheric storms. Tornado storms occur when dry cold moving…

  • Causes and Effects of Tornadoes

    Introduction The weather is a strange thing. One day it can be cold and rainy; the next day, its perfectly warm and sunny for sandals and bikinis on the beach. Humans have managed to develop products that enable them to handle many kinds of weather. For example, when it rains, an umbrella comes along way.…

  • The Lesson I Learned from The Tornado

    When I was a child my mother and father always told me to grateful for the people in my life and the things I have because you never know when it can be taken away from you. I will never forget that humbling experience that taught me the importance of family and how precious life…

  • Report on Oklahoma Tornado Disaster in 1999

    Natural hazard refers to catastrophic events or phenomenon of atmospheric, geological, and hydrological origins that can cause fatalities, property damage, social environmental disruption and can indirectly cause social grievances and resource scarcities. These includes earthquake, tornadoes, Volcanic eruption, tsunamis, floods, typhoons and thunderstorms, hurricanes epidemics etc. It usually occurs randomly i. e. is probabilistic and…

  • The Lessons We Learnt from Xenia Tornado

    In the 21st century the world has been taken aback by the yearly natural and manmade disasters that have occurred everywhere. No matter how prepared we believe are there is always area of improvement or an area of learning after each and every disaster. Specifically some areas even in the United States arent as up…

  • Tornado and AmeriCares Overview

    Frequent tornadoes are typical climate features in North America that happen in different regions including Canada, the East Coast and the Florida Peninsula. Special sirens are installed to warn citizens about the emergence of a tornado, and houses are supplied with lower-level safe spaces; however, these means are not sufficient to keep people entirely from…

  • Tri-State Tornado, The Deadliest Tornado in History

    Tornados cause many deaths and injuries every year. On average, tornados cause 70 deaths and 1,500 injuries in the United States every year. (Rudolph 19). The deadliest tornado in United States history is the Tri-state tornado of 1925. The tornado struck before modern technology was available to record the actual strength of the tornado, but…

  • Fifteen Minutes Preparedness for a Tornado

    I was sitting in front of my desk when suddenly a message arrived on my phone with an alert from the national weather bureau letting the population knew that a tornado was on its way to the area where I live. I was terrified when I saw the alert, because I have never experienced such…

  • A Newspaper Assignment on The Natural Disaster Caused by The Tornado in Louisiana

    In regards to the domestic and international newspaper, I was able to find articles related to the recent tornado in Louisiana. For the domestic newspaper, the article was titled, Louisiana Hammered by Tornadoes (McGILL, 2017). For the international newspaper their article was titled, Severe damage after tornadoes batter Louisiana (BBC News, 2017). I used the…