Category: Toyota

  • Toyota Markets to Children

    Table of Contents Pester power Use of children in advertisement by Toyota Solving the Issue Reference List Pester power Pester power is the power and ability children have by consistently and repeatedly nagging without ceasing to influence their parents to purchase for them advertised or the latest fashionable items. Parents, since the late 20th century,…

  • Honda vs. Toyota: Comparison

    This section continues the discussion of the issues that the company must face. The paper aims to cover some issues faced by the company such as being accepted by the market of the switch from gas to electric, adopting new technical expertise to make this change, coping with additional costs due to labor, additional workstations,…

  • Toyota Production System: Review

    Table of Contents Definition Description Elimination of Waste and Variability Lean Organization Conclusion References As part of the attempt to maximize the utilization of resources, companies have invested in research of methodologies of minimizing resource consumption while sustaining the level of output. Toyota was among the first companies to devise such a strategy. This paper…

  • Toyota Motor Ltd: Guiding Principles, Philosophy, and Practices

    At the end of the day, the insistence of the company on lean and efficient production rests on the strategy of offering the market cars that work reliably and are as affordable as possible. Quality and productivity helped the company penetrate an impoverished domestic market still struggling to surmount the devastation of World War II,…

  • Just in Time Practices in the Toyota Company

    Table of Contents Summary JIT JIT Practices The Reason for a Smaller Supplier Base Reference Summary Chapter 15 begins with a detailed description of the examples of several different companies and their approaches to the selection of leaders. Namely, Toyotas strategy is juxtaposed to those of Ford, Nissan, Chrysler, and GM in terms of the…

  • Toyota Motor North America. Executing Global Strategy

    It is important to note that although the given analysis and summary will primarily focus on Toyota Motors North American division, the latter is heavily influenced by Toyota Japan. In the case of the corporate culture, the company harnesses loyalty and hard work, where the employees are put in a position where they are incentivized…

  • Internal Alignment of Toyota Motor Co.

    Table of Contents Structure Tasks / Work Systems People Culture and Systems Conclusion References In management, internal alignment refers to relationships between interdependent social and technical elements within a company that ensure its effective functioning. The main components of the organizational alignment model are structure, task / work system, and people (Lane & Maznevski, 2019).…

  • Toyota as a Guarantor of Careful Production

    Table of Contents Introduction Products Wealth People Policy and Money Conclusion Reference List Introduction Toyota is one of the most successful companies in the world. It is lean manufacturing concept and holistic approach to business organization studied in the most prestigious business schools of the world. Toyotas business consists of two basic components  continuous…

  • Strategic Advantages of Toyota

    Introduction The present report aims at analyzing the strategic position of Toyota in comparison with its competitors, such as General Motors, Volkswagen, and Ford Motor Company. The paper uses Porters Five Forces analysis, PESTLE framework, and benchmarking to evaluate Toyotas strategic strengths and weaknesses. After, the report identifies three strategic options to improve the current…

  • Toyota Motors: Strategy Analysis

    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Toyota has been known as one of the major global corporations producing cars. Originally founded in Japan, the company quickly grew into a global enterprise represented on multiple levels and targeting a wide variety of buyers. However, despite the attempts at incorporating the latest advances in…