Category: Uncategorized

  • Abstract The use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) is becoming common in several schools within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The review of the literature revealed that this technology-based learning has registered impressive success in other countries, especially in the developed nations. The researcher aims to examine the effect of Mobile Assisted Learning on…

  • Introduction Alcohol abuse among the elderly is an issue that has raised concern among medical practitioners and society in general. According to Ham (2007), abuse of alcohol by aging individuals may pose serious health problems to the victims because of the reduced ability of the body system to manage the toxic substance in the alcohol.…

  • Abstract The initial gist of this paper is the information revolution, spanning a period of technological innovations, from the internet to Information Technology, coupled with globalization and the rise of the multinationals. A new paradigm shift has emerged from this kind of revolution, and the organizations trend is to implement Office Information Systems solutions like…

  • From iPhones Siri, Microsofts Cortana, Amazons Alexa and soon to be launched Googles search assistant for self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) continues developing at a rapid pace. Innovations also become a burden of handling big data. As an emerging field, AI is often portrayed as machines with human-like characteristics. However, AI can encompass anything from…

  • Introduction After many inventions or technology development, threats are also involved in many ways. New technologies give us latest types of crime which directly or indirectly harm us. Computer is the main source of the online data library. It not only gives us our required information, but when we download some copyright material then that…

  • Abstract This dissertation examines the influences of alcohol on personality through a multidimensional study of numerous studies and experiments performed by scientists around the world. By scrutinizing the existing research, I elucidate the process by which alcohol impacts personality. The phenomenon studied in this paper comprises the role of personality as an element of alcohol…

  • Executive Summary This solar installation pilot project was a joint venture between QF as the implementing agency and the Doha city council as the funding entity. The project was implemented in 10 schools and ten hospitals at a total cost of 18.8 M Riyals. As a result of this study, Dohas whole city may be…

  • Executive Summary In the engineering of software, the software methodology applied plays a significant role in the final product of the process. For example, in a traditional linear model software is created following a set of steps and changes are often difficult and costly to implement. The pressure created by increased connectivity and the possibilities…

  • Introduction For many years a financial report is no longer about the performance of the previous periods only, it is expected to reflect the value of the company much more than ever. After some decades of creating value on the balance sheet as a lucrative instrument to fund all sorts of new businesses, we learned…

  • Abstract Due to the ongoing globalisation of business, international expansion of different companies and the emergence of culturally diverse environments, project managers face challenges that have not existed before. Some of these issues can have a significant adverse effect on the performance of the team, and so they should be minimised. As such, the discipline…