Category: Vehicles

  • Computational Engineering for Automobile Applications

    Table of Contents Introduction Mesh Creation Solution Relationship between Reynolds number and reattachment location Summary Works Cited Introduction Processes involving mixing have been associated with chemical-manufacture processes often and have been known to be very instrumental to successes recorded in operating combustion-driven systems. Presently, several computational-fluid-dynamics (CFDs) who are engaged with processing chemicals in industries…

  • Autonomous Vehicles as a Replacement for the Human Workers

    Table of Contents Introduction The Autonomous Vehicle Technology How the Vehicles Work Benefits of Autonomous Vehicles Impacts of Autonomous Vehicle Technology Future Expectations References Introduction Figure 1; Google Driverless Car (Wired 1) The automobile industry was a significant game-changer in the 20th century in terms of technology. It is also safe to assume that the…

  • Mustang Cars Convertible and Price Regression Analysis

    Convertible variables influence on asking price for used Mustang cars Scatter plot The initial assessment of the relationship between two variables is done by the pictorial representation of a scatter plot. The scatter plot for our data will be not similar to the ordinary one as the independent variable is dichotomous taking any one of…

  • Social Norms and Behaviors on Public Transportation: On the Bus

    The world of people, communities, and societies is an organism that functions according to certain rules and norms, which are expected and regulated. There is a great number of social situations that people participate in, each one of them having its etiquette and expectations. The culture and the attitudes of people play a great role…

  • Aspects of Autonomous Vehicles

    The reality of unmanned automobiles is approaching as such corporations as Tesla are testing the possibility of using them. The technology has certain advantages, such as saving time for drivers, preventing DUI incidents, and making roads safe, potentially eliminating the existing limits. All vehicles will be autonomous in the best-case scenario, and traffic-related deaths will…

  • Car Dealing Problem and Contract Validity

    An offer made by a car dealer, Brad Benson, to give a Florida pastor, Terry Jones, a new car if he abstains from burning a Quran can be considered a valid contract. An advertisement issued by the offeror was a demonstration of willingness to enter into a contract that included certain terms; therefore, an element…

  • Car Accidents Statistics and Policy Change

    Car accidents pose a significant threat to peoples health and wellbeing. In the United States, the number of police-reported car accidents is over 7 million, and every person who uses cars for transportation is at risk (National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2018). One of the most prevalent causes of car accidents is drunk driving.…

  • Legal Contract for Automobile Purchase: A Case Study

    Table of Contents Introduction Elements of a Legal Contract Existence of a Contract Supporting Facts Conclusion References Introduction In order to understand the formation of a legal contract, it is necessary to examine the critical elements required for a contract to be considered legally binding. According to Bertolini (2019), a legal contract is a binding…

  • Automobile Workers vs. Johnson Controls

    Table of Contents Facts of the Case Assumptions Made Overriding Issue Stakeholders Responsibility of the Company Recommendations Conclusion Works Cited Facts of the Case The primary ingredient in the manufacture of batteries at Johnson Controls (JC) is lead. It was discovered that lead exposure entails health risks to employees, especially to the fetus carried by…

  • My Dream Car: Personal View

    The car of my dream is a vehicle of the new generation. It is easy to operate, powerful, safe, and, of course, impressive in appearance. The major issue of today is an environmental friendliness. Since I strongly share this point of view, my dream car will produce no carbon emissions. Cars, produced by Tesla Company…