Category: Video Games

  • Link Between Violence And Video Games

    The year was 1976. The video game company Exidy released an arcade video game known as Death Race. In this game, the player takes control of a car and is tasked to run over fleeing stick figures, known as gremlins. Running a gremlin over would result in a screaming sound effect, and the gremlin would…

  • Do Violent Video Games Make Those Who Play Them More Violent: Argumentative Essay

    Video games can be defined as interactive electronic games that aim to entertain players. According to Quwaider et al. (2019), video games allow players to access virtual 2D or 3D environments within specific rules and conditions. There are different categories of video games ranging from action to sports games, strategy, shooting, racing or adventure. Recent…

  • Does Video Games Cause Violence? Essay

    Video games are overwhelmingly popular nowadays and with every year this trend only rises. The first video games came out in early 1970s, and they were rather simple and mostly nonviolent, but it all has changed in the 1990s, when very brutal games have started appearing, such as Doom, Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem 3D, Wolfenstein…

  • The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Violent Behaviour

    The 1970s saw the evolution of Video games which were played out initially in the public domain, but it wasnt until the 1980s that consumers were able to play games at home via Nintendo and Atari consoles (Wardyga, 2018). The 1990s saw violent video games such as Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and Double Dragon hit…

  • Do Video Games Influence The Development Of Young People?

    The first video game to ever exist, known as Pong’ which was released in 1972 is a far cry from the standards of video games now which make the most of the technological advancements in the last thirty years. The game was a table tennis sports game which featured plain and simplistic graphics. Three years…

  • The Effects Of Video Games On Social Relationships

    Video games have become their own industry that have revolutionized every part of entertainment ranging from television all the way to sports. Through all the different companies and organizations, it generates about 19 billion dollars in revenue annually, which is much more compared to Hollywood or any other competing form of entertainment. This industry was…

  • Video Games Don’t Cause Violence Essay

    Introduction: Misconceptions About Video Games and Violence There have been many things to come from the 20th century and one of the most notable ones was video games. Video games are a form of digital media used for entertainment. One of the most common tropes in video games is violence. Violence is usually looked down…

  • Critical Analysis of the Violence in Video Games

    The video game industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, expanding exponentially on the web and mobile devices so it can be a bit overwhelming at times when formulating a strategy for your video game, whether you are a developer or a publisher. The first thing to look at is your budget, and using already created…

  • Video Game Violence Does Not Lead To Violence In Youth

    House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy, says video games lead to future mass shootings (Wu). However, The New York Times reports that there is little evidence to suggest there was any link between video games and mass shootings and youth violence (Wu). Research has shown that violent video games can cause violent behavior in youth, but…