Category: Vietnamese

  • Volunteering in Vietnamese Community: Motivation

    Since I was a little girl, my parents have fostered in me how valuable it meant when it comes to helping other people, especially less fortunate people by taking me to nursing homes in which I could take care of them and giving gifts to disabled people in our neighborhood. I have realized and observed…

  • Counter Insurgency Failures of Vietnam

    Without a doubt, the United States of America has, throughout recent world history, been considered to be one of, if not the biggest, superpowers and fiercest fighting forces in the world often using military power as a means of political influence. With this being said, a highly relevant question is how did a superpower lose…

  • Hiring Employees in Vietnam

    There are different ways to recruit and hire high-quality employees in Vietnam that companies can use if they have been formally established. Due to some existing problems that are common when employing Vietnamese employees, many companies employ foreigners to occupy certain positions. A Vietnamese company is allowed to hire foreigners to work as managers, executive…

  • Analysis of The Arabian and Vietnamese Cultures

    Cultural competence is an expected component of professional nursing practice. Culturally competent care means conveying acceptance of the patients health beliefs during assessment and while sharing information. Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the clients culture, health-related needs and culturally specific meanings of health and illness. Culture has a powerful unconscious impact on health professionals. A…

  • The Problem of Poisonfood Among Vietnamese

    As we know, problems appear everywhere, in many different forms. And of course, Vietnam, our society is not an exception. There are such lots of problems, even big, or small. Every day, we have to deal with the scam, school violence, bribery and so much more that I cant even count. But the problem which…

  • Review of a Vietnam Womens Museum: The Role of Women in the History

    Several weeks ago, I have got a chance to visit Vietnam Womens Museum for a better understanding of the roles of Vietnamese women in daily life throughout generations. The term Men build the house and women make it home means that men are breadwinners who take charge of earning money and shoulder financial responsibilities in…

  • Rethinking the United States Decision of Commitment in Vietnam

    Were the U.S.s decision of commitment in Vietnam flawed? From what I have read about the Vietnam war, what I keep coming back to is the United States basic misunderstanding about what it was that the Vietnamese (North and South) were actually fighting for. The United States saw themselves as taking a stance against the…

  • Essay on Areas of the Chinese Influence on the Vietnamese

    Pre-modern Vietnam was a turbulent time marked by constant struggles of subjugation, war, and actualization. With Vietnam being such a rich area full of diverse cultures, largely due to the imperial rule by the Chinese, we see many facets of this small south-east Asian country through careful examination of the facts. The path they went…

  • Essay on the Role of Women in Vietnamese Culture

    Every country, each nation has its own culture, characteristics, and traditional costumes. For example, Japanese women are proud of their beautiful kimonos with silky textiles, or Indian women always impress us with their colorful silky Sari. Then, Vietnamese women, from the past to the present, always walk along in the gracefully traditional long dress called…

  • Essay on the Significance of Vietnamese Culture

    Vietnam is a country that has changed rapidly in just a short amount of time. History has a lot to tell about the long, narrow country that shares its borders with China, Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand. After the Vietnam War, the country was restored and filled with hope. From the French colonization to the Vietnam…