Category: War

  • David Luban on Just War: Republics of Geshem and Midbar



    War has always been a controversial issue when discussed from an ethical perspective. Individuals who believe in the ideas of pacifism deny violence in any form. However, there are other theorists who defend the concept of a just war. This theory can be applied to the case study by David Luban. It describes two neighboring…

  • Relation Between Women, War & Peace



    The impact of war on women is both disproportional and drastically different from the commonly portrayed male experience. The fact is, in todays wars the primary victims are women and children (PBS Television, 2012). However, the female position in the modern world expands far beyond the victim role. Some crimes such as rape still receive…

  • America After World War I: A Melting Pot or a Salad Bowl



    Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction It is extremely likely that one has heard at least once in their life that the United States is one big melting pot. As a person gets older, they start to debate whether America is actually a melting pot  or if it is a salad…

  • Roommate Wars: What to Do When Your Roommate Is a Jerk?



    Table of Contents Introduction The Sensible, Serious Approach Have a Conversation, Set Some Rules Use a Mediator The Funny Approach When All Else Fails Introduction It doesnt necessarily take much for your roommate to behave like a jerk: being incredibly messy, borrowing your things (or eating your food) without as much as asking , being…

  • Summary of The War for Kindness Book by Jamil Zaki



    Table of Contents Background Textbook Information Real-Life Application Critique References Background The book The war for kindness (TWFK) is written by Jamil Zaki (2019), and the author uses stories, observations, and research findings to show how people turn to hate rather than empathy in their daily lives. Zaki (2019) defines empathy as an umbrella term…

  • The War for Kindness by Jamil Zaki



    The War for Kindness, authored by Jamil Zaki, explores empathy in a fascinating way. Zaki defines the evolutionary role of affinity as increasing collaboration and hence improving the likelihood of survival. He also has shown how it can be taught as a skill and altered in the lab, emphasizing how, in theory, we could boost…

  • American Governments Lies in Wars



    In life, a person is at times forced to lie. This greatly depends with the circumstances or even situations that coerce an individual into doing so. A lie can be defined as knowingly expressing truth as untruth to a person or persons, institution like schools, courts and even at the work place. A lie is…

  • American Attitude Towards War



    Table of Contents Introduction Reasons why Americans consider themselves essentially peaceful Evidence that shows America as warlike Americas paradoxical hate-love attitude towards war Conclusion Reference Introduction Americas attitude with regard to war is quite hard to understand. For many years, the country had been reluctant to engage in war intervention measures among warring nations. In…

  • Bargaining Theory: A Better Explanation of Why Wars Happen



    Although wars are rare occurrences even under the best conditions, they are triggered by the various factors which prevent competing states from negotiating successfully and settling the outstanding issues. International politics is a considerably small and anarchical environment where bargaining, compromises, and arrangements are the primary mode of political interaction. This implies that states are…

  • Wars of Religion: Historical Review



    The most fanatical and catastrophic time in the history of Europe dates back to the period between the second half of the sixteenth century and the commencement of the seventeenth century since it was during this time that the most appalling and fervent sequence of wars broke out. It is obvious that a new scheme…