Category: Weather

  • Weather Forecasting Using Machine Learning

    Introduction One of the most important thing for humankind it to plan their day, to plan their day human need to know about the weather forecasting so they can plan their day or even their month accordingly, as said wiki: Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology to predict the conditions of the…

  • Modern Engineering Challenge In Predicting The Weather

    Introduction Weather is defined as the the condition of the atmosphere at a specific space and time as regards heat, dryness, wind, rain, etc. over a short time frame, whereas climate refers to the weather data of a place over a longer period to yield meaningful averages.Global Change means alterations in the Earth. A Brief…

  • Weather Caused Accidents

    Introduction Aviation has a high level of safety for commercial operations and is considered as one of the safest modes of transport today. Although the aviation industry is considered a safe mode of transport there are accidents that occur due to many different factors. This includes factors such as air traffic control, maintenance and human…

  • Does The Weather Condition Have Any Effect On People’s Mood?

    Weather is a short-term climate change. While it is sunny today, it can be rainy, even stormy the next day. There are a lot of weather conditions in the world and these conditions are considered to have some effects on peoples mood. (Widmer, Bill, Lifehack) Unlike some people who are the opposite of this idea,…

  • Is Your Mood Affected By Weather?

    Introduction Weather is an uncontrollable atmospheric action and often inconsistent. Can the same be said about our moods? Some peoples moods are like the weather, hot, cold and very inconsistent. Studies have been done to see if one is dependent of the other. Weather has for some time been believed to impact a persons mood…

  • Relevance of Agricultural Meteorology to Plant Scientist: Analysis of Weather Forecasts

    Agriculture is one field of the human activity which is extremely sensitive to weather and climate. The study of these two aspects in relation to agriculture is referred as agricultural meteorology and is a multidisciplinary science. Agricultural meteorology when properly applied by plant scientists can achieve the sustainability of agricultural production system through efficient management…