Category: Wikileaks

  • Forms of Hacktivism and Wikileaks: Analytical Essay

    Hacktivism is derived from hack and activism, it is an act of hacking that is described as a combination of grassroots political protest with computer hacking [1] through the nonviolent use of illegal or legally ambiguous digital tools [to pursue] political ends [2]. There are many forms of hacktivism are used to access illegal information,…

  • The Features of Radical Transparency in Australia

    Radical transparency is a term used in various fields, including business, software design, politics, and governance, to refer to approaches that radically increase the openness in a specific process or data. It is also a method that utilizes vast networked information to reveal previously confidential information. In the 21st century, radical transparency has been incorporated…

  • Capture of Julian Assange

    Originator of WikiLeaks Julian Assange imprisoned in London. Julian was taken into detective custody for neglecting to surrender to safeguard and on a U.S. removal warrant. The U.K. Home Office stated: he is blamed in the US for PC related offenses. Detective captured Assange after the South American country chose to disavow the political shelter…