Character Foils in Hamlet: Critical Essay

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The qualities and motivations of a character are highlighted through the use of foils. In literature, a foil is a character whose actions and words contrast the characteristics of another character. In William Shakespeares Hamlet, various characters are foils to Hamlet, revealing his prominent character traits and the reasoning behind his decisions. Fortinbras haste and success illustrate Hamlets inability to act upon his desires. Furthermore, Horatios intelligence and stable nature illuminate Hamlets melancholia. Moreover, Laertes lack of remorse and impulsivity emphasizes Hamlets tendency to overthink. Fortinbras, Horatio, and Laertes are used as foils to emphasize key attributes seen within Hamlet and to further develop his characterization and tragic flaws. The inability to act upon ones desires is foiled by the haste and success of another.

Hamlet and Fortinbras are both princes whose fathers have been killed, and whose Uncles are presently on the throne. Despite their common goals to regain the crown and avenge their fathers deaths, they carry out their plans for revenge in different manners. Fortinbras, whose Father is killed by Old Hamlet in a duel over land, schemes to rebuild his Fathers kingdom and threatens to invade Denmark to reclaim the land that has been lost. Claudius informs the Danish court that Fortinbras plans to attack Denmark. Claudius states, &young Fortinbras, Holding a weak supposal of our worth, Or thinking by our late dear brothers death Our State to be disjoint, and out of frame, Colleagued with this dream of his advantage, He hath not failed to pester us with message Importing the surrender of those lands Lost by his Father, with all bands of law, To our most valiant brother; so much for him (Ham.1.2.17-25). Fortinbras does not hesitate or struggle to pursue his desires. Fortinbras believes the Kingdom of Denmark is in a vulnerable state as a result of Old Hamlets death and therefore does not wait to achieve his goals. Fortinbras assembles his army and threatens to wage war against Denmark. The pace that Fortinbras takes to enact his plan is drastic compared to Hamlet and shows Hamlets weakness; his inability to act upon his desires. When the ghost of the late King informs Hamlet that Claudius murdered him, Hamlet promises to avenge his Fathers death to take back the kingdom that is rightfully his. However, Hamlet delays his pursuit of revenge for months, failing to accomplish what he desires. Thus, the hastiness of Fortinbras brings forth Hamlets tragic flaw of procrastination. Also, Fortinbras success in his endeavors shows Hamlets lack of motivation.

Fortinbras and his army are advancing through Denmark as Hamlet is about to depart for England. Fortinbras is taking an entire army to Poland to fight a meaningless battle, while Hamlet delays his plot for revenge and is presently on his way to his death; unbeknownst to him. Hamlet compares himself to Fortinbras stating, Witness this army of such mass and charge, / Led by a delicate and tender prince, / Whose spirit with divine ambition puffed Makes mouths at the invisible event, &O, from this time forth, / My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! (Ham.4.4.47-50; 65-66). Hamlet reflects on Fortinbras ability to take action regardless of the consequences. He vows to be more like Fortinbras who is successful in his acts, yet Hamlet once more delays his revenge on Claudius. Harold Jenkins states, First Hamlet watches Fortinbras leading his army to action and is given a long soliloquy to lament the comparison with himself. Fortinbras risks death for a fantasy of honor while he himself in his more substantial cause lets all sleep (Jenkins). Fortinbras is willing to risk his life and the lives of other men to protect his honor and nobility, a much lesser cause than Hamlets. Fortinbras haste renders him successful in reclaiming the land his Father lost and results in his election as King of Denmark when Hamlet dies, whereas Hamlets inability to act with intent results in his downfall.

Contrastingly, Horatios stability and intelligence emphasize Hamlets instability as a result of his melancholia. The stability and intelligence of a confidant illuminate ones melancholic disposition. Horatio is a loyal friend whom Hamlet confides in throughout the play. He is level-headed and bases his decisions on rational thinking, whereas Hamlet’s emotions fuel his decisions. Horatio witnesses the ghost of Old Hamlet. He is unsuccessful in communicating with the ghost and therefore informs Hamlet of the apparition in hopes that the ghost will speak to him. Horatio believes that the ghost is the late King of Denmark, however, he is skeptical of its intentions and warns Hamlet of the consequences associated with following the ghost. Horatio states, What if it tempts you toward the flood, my lord, / Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff That beetles o’er his base into the sea, / And there assume some other horrible forms Which might deprive your sovereignty of reason, / And draw you into madness? (Ham.1.4.69-74). Horatio thinks before he acts and understands the consequences associated with his actions in order to deal with a situation properly. Hamlet ignores Horatios warning and does as he pleases without thinking beforehand about what might occur if he follows the ghost. This illustrates Hamlets flaw; his melancholia. Hamlets state of melancholy resulting from his Fathers death causes him to automatically believe that the ghost is his Father. He is so loyal to his Father and overcomes grief that he allows this to cloud his better judgment and prevent him from thinking about the consequences until after he promises to avenge his Fathers death. In addition, Horatios stability accentuates Hamlets unstable nature as a result of his melancholy.

Hamlets melancholy alters his personality and reactions to situations while Horatios stable nature allows him to remain calm and collected through the events that occur. Before the play within the play begins, Hamlet speaks to Horatio about his plan to determine Claudius guilt. Hamlet comments on Horatios calmness stating, Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice, And could of men distinguish her election, Hath sealed thee for herself, for thou hast been As one, in suffering all, that suffers nothing, A man that fortunes buffets and rewards Hast taken with equal thanks: and blest are those Whose blood and judgment are so well commended That they are not a pipe for fortunes finger To sound what stop she please (Ham.3.2.65-73). Hamlet flatters Horatio because of his steady personality that does not waiver in times of doubt or conflict. Through his stability, he demonstrates the different ways he and Hamlet handle situations, Hamlet is impulsive and Horatio is cautious of his actions. Hamlet also has a sense of calm, however, his melancholia causes certain events in his life to overwhelm him which ultimately results in his death. Leo Rockas states, Horatio is meant to remind us through his elective affinity with Hamlet, of those qualities of blood and judgment which Hamlet displays throughout the dramatic action. Hamlet and Horatio are both by contrast meditative, cautious and honorable (Rockas). Although similar in some aspects, Horatios emotions remain true to form whereas Hamlets melancholy and loyalty to his Father result in his rash decisions which lead to his demise. Consequently, Laertes rashness brings out Hamlets inability to seek revenge as a result of his overthinking.

The tendency of one to overthink is emphasized by anothers impulsivity and lack of remorse. Hamlet and Laertes share a common ambition for revenge; however, they seek this revenge in contrasting ways. Hamlet accidentally murders Polonius who is hiding behind the arras as Hamlet speaks to his mother. As soon as Laertes discovers that his Father has been murdered he immediately leaves France for Denmark. Laertes storms Elsinore Castle with a mob of commoners and states, How came he dead? I’ll not be juggled with: To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil! / Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation: to this point, I stand, / That both the worlds I give to negligence, / Let come what comes; only I’ll be revengd Most thoroughly for my Father (Ham.4.5.129-153). Laertes plans to murder Claudius, assuming that he is responsible for his Fathers death. His intention to kill Claudius without verifying if he is the perpetrator indicates a lack of thought and planning. Laertes is not concerned with the details of the murder; his only thought is to avenge his Fathers death and restore honor to his family name. This, in turn, brings out Hamlets tragic flaw; his tendency to overthink. Hamlet dwells on his plan to avenge his Fathers death and constantly doubts himself. His overthinking is so drastic that before he even attempts to murder his Uncle, he feigns madness to ensure there will be no repercussions. As a result, Hamlet delays carrying out his revenge several times throughout the play. Although Hamlet is also impulsive, he does not use this trait against his Uncle to seek revenge, whereas Laertes does and it proves effective.

In addition, Laertes willingness to murder illuminates Hamlets concern with his conscience and morals. Laertes is hot-headed and therefore killing is not an issue if it ensures he will bring honor back to his family. As a result, when Laertes discovers that Hamlet killed his Father, Claudius, and Laertes plots to murder Hamlet. Laertes shows great pleasure in the fact that he will be able to kill Hamlet and seek revenge for his Father. Laertes states, To cut his throat i the church (Ham.4.7.127). Laertes boasts about killing Hamlet in the church. Although the reference to killing in the church is sinful, Laertes will do whatever it takes to ensure his revenge. Harold Jenkins states, His situation of seeking vengeance for his Father’s death, and his every word and gesture stress by implication what Hamlet does not do. Hamlet has reflected on the conscience that makes cowards of us all, but Laertes consigns conscience to the profound pit; Hamlet knows how man may quail in the dread of something after death, but Laertes dares damnation (Jenkins). Laertes does not worry about the afterlife, and there are no concerns about conscience; Hamlet has killed Polonius and therefore must die at his hands, regardless of the circumstances. This dramatically contrasts Hamlet, who overthinks every detail of what may occur if he murders Claudius. Hamlet is given many opportunities to kill his Uncle but fails to do so since he is lost in thought about the minor details of the offense he wishes to commit. Hamlet finds it difficult to murder people especially if it goes against his conscience and morals. Hamlet can kill his Uncle while he is praying in the church but stops himself in fear that it will send him to heaven. Hamlet is unaware that Claudius is insincere in his prayers and that he will not be sent to heaven if he is killed. As a result of Hamlets overthinking, he misses the countless opportunities to avenge his Fathers death, unlike Laertes, whose impulse allows him to seize every opportunity for revenge. The character foils of Fortinbras, Horatio, and Laertes contrast Hamlet in various ways that highlight his tragic flaws and reveal his true nature. The hastiness of Fortinbras and his contrasting approach to avenging his Father’s death foils Hamlets procrastination. Horatios calm and pure personality foil Hamlets melancholy state which overwhelms him and clouds his better judgment. Laertes impulsivity and lack of remorse foil Hamlets tendency to overthink and his lackadaisical attitude regarding his revenge. In Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is supported and schemed against by varying characters, who act as character foils and bring forth his tragic flaws of procrastination, overthinking, and melancholia which ultimately lead to his demise.

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