Child Abuse or a Parental Discipline

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Although children respond differently to discipline, physical contact towards a child should be considered as a parental discipline and not as an abuse. It is well known that some children need discipline, which absence can make a child disrespectful and arrogant.

According to the center of effective discipline, there is a variance between child mistreatment and reasonable parental discipline. Child abuse is the use of physical strength to harm a child. On the other hand, reasonable parental discipline is a situation when a parent uses a reasonable amount of force to discipline their child. According to the state laws within United States, physical discipline is recommended if it is solely for the purpose of discipline and does not lead to the injury of a child.

For instance, in Alaska section 13A-3-24 of the criminal child abuse law, there is stated that a Parent/guardian/person accountable for upkeep and control of a minor may use sensible and suitable physical force to the degree that he rationally believes is essential and suitable to uphold discipline or promote well-being of the child. Thus, child abuse is a nut shell of many other forms of abuse that lead to harm in a childs welfare.

On the other hand, the federal law has defined the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), (42 U.S.C.A. §5106g) as amended by the Keeping Children and Families Safe Act of 2003 that states:

child abuse and neglect as, at minimum: Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm thus according to the federal law physical spanking or padding is not considered abuse as long as its reasonable and causes no bodily harm to the child (Donnelly, 2005).

Previous studies have been conducted on this topic in order to try to comprehensively and analytically give a clear demarcation between child abuse and child discipline. One good example is a research on non-abusive physical punishment and child behavior among African-American children: a systematic review. In all longitudinal studies that were conducted during this research, it was found out that there were possible benefits to non-abusive child punishment. There was the same result of a study case conducted at various states.

Some of the parents who have been convicted for child abuse did not think of it as abuse rather as physical punishment. For instance, there was a twenty five year old mother, who sat on her son in order to control his tantrums. But instead of pacifying the child, such action led to the collapse the boys lungs and he died. Yet the law clearly defines that physical punishment is reasonable. Among other case studies, this clearly shows that people have bent the rules and their interpretation in order to support their unlawful acts.

After carefully studying previous cases in the courtroom, it is clear that when physical punishment has any impact other than correction of discipline in a childs life, it is regarded as a child abuse (Lansford, 2003).

From the book Theoretical Approaches, the phrase pain and not injury helps to differentiate corporal reprimand from bodily abuse. When physical punishment leads to injury, this amounts to child abuse. Ordinary language is also a major setback towards strategic implementation of physical discipline.

Poor communities commonly refer this as beating and do not have a clear definition on the extent of carrying out physical discipline. An educated scholar once has said that there is no gain without pain when a parent disciplines their child using physical methods of influence, the child will gain much more effectively as compared to when a child is given a simple time out.

Taking a snapshot into history, we realize that other serious forms of physical discipline were used in the olden days. Mostly the art of canning was used more frequently in comparison to the current methods of child discipline. We find that as a result of this strict regimes since the children then were very respectful to elders and the elderly in society (Gershoff, 2002).

The use of abusive language and retaliatory remarks towards parents was regarded as a taboo and was unheard off. This method of physical discipline was used globally in Africa, Europe and Asia. Currently, we have children adopting very low morals due to the ignorance that blankets the notions of child abuse (Donnelly, 2005).

Following the turbulent and the permissive error in the 1970s, Christian evangelist sought the return of a more conservative society and aimed to elevate biblical parenting (Lansford, 2003). Later, he wrote a book advocating for spanking since it was a more effective method of punishment. In agreement to these thoughts of a historical writer, it is wise for people to use physical discipline as it is rather efficient. At that particular moment, James Dobson felt that the society had become turbulent.

My big question is the following: if the nineteen seventies were turbulent, then what about the current times when high levels of moral decay have penetrated the society? Who will be broad enough to put a clear demarcation between physical discipline and child abuse? When will the society unmask physical discipline from child abuse?

The main advantage of physical punishment is that it is deterrent. Physical punishment is the most effective behavior deterrent. It increases short-term compliance. It occurs at no cost at all, hence, it is affordable to everyone. It is a quick method of punishment which saves time thus allowing both parties to go back to their previous tasks immediately and intrinsically it teaches the difference between right and wrong (Phil B, 2005).

I strongly recommend that physical discipline is implemented in bringing up of children especially because it is very effective compared to other methods of child discipline. It is necessary and essential for the society and parents to demarcate between physical discipline and physical abuse. The notion that physical discipline is a form of child abuse should be put into a halt and further studies should be conducted on this volatile subject.

In my view, child abuse encompasses all other forms of abuse and physical discipline when it leads to an injury. Otherwise, if it causes pain, then it should not be considered as abuse but growth. In addition, physical pain is much easier to heal as compared to emotional pain. A parent may avoid imparting physical discipline on their children but end up emotionally bruising their child as they try to impart some form of discipline. In the long run, this will cause mental distress and may lead to long term emotional unrest.


Donnelly, M. (2005). Theoretical approach to corporal punishments. London: Yale university press.

Gershoff, H. (2002). Ordinary physical punishment: Is it harmful? United Kingdom: Quorum books.

Lansford, J.E. (2003). Encouraging better behavior  A practical guide to positive parenting. Massachusetts: Boston publishers.

Phil, B. (2007). Advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment. London: London publishers.

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