Definition of Fascism Essay

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Considering the readings, how would you most efficiently define fascism?

Well, it is kind of hard to define it, especially nowadays because nearly every movement which is conducted by politics or government are been called fascist by at least somebody or some parties. Fascism is a form of government, generally headed by a dictator or oligarchy, fascist state utilized authoritarianism which demands strict obedience to essential power that limits the personal freedom of its citizens often under submission for common goods. This notion often translates into nationalism which might sound harmless but under the fascism government the actions of state will always seem to be correct for citizens, as they are nationalist, building a church or slaughtering immigrants, decisions which will be made by the state are always correct, nationalism tends to bring xenophobia which means fear of foreigners . This was all was also stated in the book written by Robert O. Paxton Anatomy of Fascism the definition of fascism is by Robert o.Paxton Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.Overall fascism could be a person or a group of people who want to rule like kings and the queen did in old ages, what they say is the law, what they want they will get, regardless price and consequences which will be afterward, they will do whatever they want, even if ethics or laws will be broken in process .

What are the preconditions for the rise of fascism? What barriers does fascism face and where can it find allies in a liberal society?

The conclusions which came towards after reading The Anatomy of Fascism and ‘The Suffocation of Democracy’ about what kind of preconditions are required for the rise of fascism are well known to everyone or at least to me. They are a multicultural society, lost of power or greatness in the country, poverty in the country, reduce the number of people from your race ( what I mean by that is less white pure children are born ) and etc. Let’s take the example of Germany, after the world war 1, with the successful allied advance 1918, the German realized the war was unwinnable and sign the armistice ending the fight. As its imperial government collapsed civil unrest and worker strikes spread across the nation, fearing of a communist revolution so, in order to stop the uprising, main parties had to join together , they did a peace treaty which was imposed by allies ,in addition to losing tenth of its territory and dismantling its army Germany had to accept full resposibility for the war and pay reparations and at that time its economy was already gigantic weakened . This makes all germans nationalist and veterans humiliated as they were thinking that war could have been won if the army hasn’t been betrayed by politicians.For Hitler these views became obsessions and this delusion led him to pin all the blame on Jews as the many Germans continue to perceive them as outsiders.Hitler saw his opportunity to use this hate and anger of his people in benefiting himself, he joined a small nationalist political party in order to achieve his goals. Unfortunately Hitler had a talent in manipulating people by public speaking which launched into its leadership, after a short period of time crowds increasingly grew large ,then Nazi finally denounced both communism and capitalism as they were convinced by Hitler that ews are to blame for what is happenning with there country ,they were thinking that jewish conspiracies to destroy Germany, but this wasn’t the biggest motivation which German people had, in 1929 the great depression happened it led American banks to withdraw their loans from Germany and already struggling economy collapse over a night after this . Hitler saw this as his lucky gate to use people’s anger to restore Germanies greatness. Hitler ran for president in 1932, which he lost but still he was made as Channels which benefited Hitler and he steadily expanded his power and later argued that only he was the only one who can restore the law and order in Germany and later after president Hinderbured died Hitler got access to the power he demanded and this is how fascism in the country was born .

I would say fascism isn’t something which doesn’t build up in a day within people ,it takes months if they have role model in public (like Hitler )or even years until they fully get possed by unethical conclusions which build hater and anger within themselves, which leads them to think or even conduct actions which they would never think of they could do and at that stage of point it doesn’t matter to them what will be consequences they just want to achive their unreachable goals, fascism is a dangerous power of hunger .

How does fascism gain popular appeal? How do opponents of fascism react to that appeal? What seems successful and what doesn’t?

Fascism is something like a light of hope for people, when they see that there is someone who will take whatever it takes in order to achieve their comma goals, public will love, praise and support him until they reach their gaols, take example of Hitler, he was telling people what they want to hear and he didn’t thought of wheater or not it was possible or not he was just manipulating people fear into the fighting spirit . Opponent might not find it any anykind of thread at first but within the blink of eyes, fascism could become so powerful that there is nothing can be done to stop its uprising.According to Anatomy of fascism, successful is when Many intellectuals associated with fascisms early days dropped away from or even went into opposition as successful fascist movements made the compromises necessary to gain allies and power, or, alternatively, revealed its brutal anti-intellectualism. I guess he is totally right about it.

How do fascist groups shape history through propaganda to legitimize their power?

Fascist groups shape history through propaganda to legitimize their power by creating insiders  and  outsiders  groups of people , insiders thinks that they are the one victim of outsiders  and all the troubles and problems insiders  are facing it has been conducted by outsiders  and if no actions are taken outsiders would occupy their place but it is not like that , insiders  would conduct actions on  outsiders by doing something so unethical that if outsiders  even thought of it, it would be war within country, fascist group insiders eventually would take power of milatyr and politics and history showes us , but not for long.

How did citizens of fascist states cooperate with fascist power in its excesses? Are the heights of fascist excess a sign of fascist success or eventual failure?

Citizen of fascist state are trying to not support them but also not repale to fascist people in there country ,us their own lives could be at risk too, if they help outsiders they will be also called one of them , citizens realize that what is happening is not right but they got no options, as fascist group and state is overpowerful , all of the fascist powers will eventually fail us we can see in history because once they achieve their goals they must find another one else everything will collapse and people would get tired of all those sacrifices and blood.

To what degree do we see the ghosts of fascism in the modern world and The United States today?

Fascism which is building in USA is a unique case compared to any other from my viewpoint , because this kind of fascism is something which shouldn’t just concern the US citizen it should make other countries to get into a fear as there is no other country that can compete with US army, even if other countries unite together its just impossible to compete with the US, as their weapons technology is at least 20 years advance if not more compared to rest of the world, this is why this is unique case as in the past nobody in the history of humankind had ever such a power of conquering the all other nations .Along with that fascism which is building in the US such like Anti-Muslims, white supremacist and etc.this also influence other white nation countries public to uprise and support this fascism group as we see in Europe, which might be beneficial for there country government as government will do what the public wants and that is to become fascist state, as I said this might be beneficial for those countries as they can become united with the USA but what should other such like Asian countries or African countries do? That is why everyone should hope that the US won’t reach stage 3 or beyond fascism, else it might be end for the human race.

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