Discussion: Legalization of Abortion Aspects

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Abortion is one of the controversial and socially complex issues having been debated over since the emergence of modernity. It is a significant moral topic raising much concern in the current generation. It is quite challenging and tempting to assess laws and policies related to abortion based on traditional and cultural principles from endless and heated debates. Several opinions from various individuals and organizations have been raised when deciding on when to end the life of the fetus. Up to date, different religions, states, and countries have unique policies superintending practices of abortion. Christians use their Biblical doctrines to condemn abortion from all angles. Some countries apply laws and policies governed by moral principles during the heated debates when arriving at the verdict on abortion practices. However, in some states and countries, abortion has been legalized hence, intensifying the argument on when to maintain or terminate the pregnancy. Abortion can be legal, but sometimes it is not justifiable as morally and ethically accepted. Abortion should be legalized under certain exceptional grounds to prevent detrimental consequences.

Abortion when Mothers Health is at Stake

It is the doctors obligation to assess and recommend safe abortion procedures when the mothers health is at stake. However, abortion restrictions in some states worsen the entire situation by prohibiting the practice. Major health complications are likely to arise when denying or delaying abortion if it is the only solution to save the mother. The most crucial conditions requiring the doctors undivided discretion when deciding on whether to conduct an abortion include severe infections together with heart failure problems (Bixby Center, 2016). Also, when a mother develops extreme high blood pressure, a medical condition known as preeclampsia, abortion can be an appropriate alternative amongst available choices. In such a case, the chances of a mother developing stroke are high, hence the need for safe abortion. According to Gods Word and some peoples beliefs, terminating a pregnancy is morally wrong. However, in such exceptional cases to save the mother, abortion should be legalized. Restricting abortion in some severe cases can result in death; hence the procedure needs endorsement.

Another extreme condition requiring abortion authorization is when the mother is mentally sick. Several antiabortion individuals and organizations oppose abortion due to religious and moral reasons. They are effortlessly trying to win the broader public legitimacy and support to prohibit abortion due to whatsoever reasons. Antiabortion leaders and coalitions restrict abortion, claiming the practice harms victims psychologically and physically (Dinethri et al., 2016). Perhaps there should be a different opinion explaining pregnancy due to psychological challenges. Abortion should be permitted when the mother is mentally challenged. Mental illness can be a result of severe sicknesses such as cerebral malaria and environmental factors. However, the decision to reach abortion needs to be only approved by the doctors since the victim cannot make any sound decision. Therefore, laws and policies to legalize abortion under such ground should be passed. It is irrefutable an insane mother will not be able to provide comprehensive parental services hence; ending the pregnancy is the sound option.

Abortion if the Pregnancy is a Result of a Crime

Certain criminal offenses such as rape have a significant impact on the victims if proper measures are not taken. A rape case can cause long-term psychological torture, amongst other effects. Pregnancy as a result of rape can lead to more detrimental impacts if allowed to grow. The Brazilian neoconservative laws and policies would legalize abortion if the woman conceived during the act of rape (Machado, 2017). Healing the wound of a psychologically tortured victim due to a rape case requires termination of pregnancy.

The abortion should be conducted with the full consent of the victim. In countries such as Singapore, there is the ratification of abortion regardless of the cause, but the practice should meet all the laws and policies of the statute (Rajamanickam et al., 2018). Suppose the mother who conceived as a result of the rape case is willing to terminate the pregnancy, in such a case, the will of the victim should be respected by sanctioning abortion under such a scenario.

Apart from rape, if the pregnancy was conceived as a result of incest, then it is appropriate to legalize abortion. Incest is a taboo and against traditional principles prohibiting related parties to bring forth children. Apart from breaking traditional moral virtues, incest can result in long-term impacts of anxiety, depression, psychiatric hospitalization, suicide, drug abuse, amongst many similar disheartening conditions. Most incest victims undergo serious confusion from the act (Machado, 2017). Pregnancy from such an act can cause a loss of power and control over individual behavior. It comes along with a sense of shame, loss of dignity, and self-esteem. It is immoral to conduct an abortion but it is appropriate to remove restrictions over abortion if pregnancy is a result of incest.

Legalizing Abortion on Pregnancy where a Child will Experience an Unacceptable Life Quality

Christianity prohibits abortion regardless of the reason behind the cause terming the practice a sin. However, abortion should be legalized if there are proven chances of the baby developing health problems. Cutting-edge technology in the field of medicine has proven significant in the areas of reproductive health (Ziegler, 2017). The medical doctors can assess the unborn babys development and detect any physical impairment. On such an occasion, it is appropriate to legalize abortion after the mothers full consent has been sought. There are certain manageable cases of disabilities which do not require abortion. For instance, it is normal for a mother to give birth to a healthy blind baby suffering from visual impairment. It is inadvisable to conduct an abortion in such scenarios since some disability cases are reversible by the use of proper medical procedures. Nevertheless, if the fetus is experiencing an extreme case of disability, it is advisable to permit abortion following the doctors suggestion and the consent of the mother.

Quite often, women become anxious and worry a lot when they are expecting. Most of them worry about the health condition of their unborn babies, not praying for any form of deformity. The use of technology and modern equipment such as amniocentesis plays a significant role in determining chromosome abnormalities in the fetus (Ziegler, 2017). With the possibility of detecting any form of a genetic disorder of the fetus, it is appropriate to legalize abortion in such exceptional cases. Some genetic abnormalities could be hereditary or due to exposure to harsh and unhealthy environmental conditions. Most genetic disorders are irreversible, resulting in extremely challenging cases if the fetus is allowed to grow. Such conditions bring along unnecessary burdens during pregnancy hence, the need to legalize abortion.

Abortion due to Social Reasons

The world is changing rapidly with the emergence of new social practices and challenges. In some circumstances where the expectant mother is likely to experience challenges when raising and handling the child, it will be appropriate to legalize abortion. In countries and states such as America, essential programs have been formulated and implemented to aid women and their partners in solving social challenges such as family planning (Boonstra, 2016). The government has provided family planning services to low-income individuals to lower the rate of unintended pregnancy and cases of abortions. Consequently, the program led to significant changes, but some disparities remained unchanged.

According to the 2011 results, the number of unintended pregnancies and abortions amongst low-income women according to the federal poverty rating was much higher compared to the number of well-off women (those with income above the poverty threshold) (Boonstra, 2016). One major contribution of unintended pregnancy and abortion is financial constraints. Therefore, abortion under the pressure of financial challenges and poor living standards amongst women should be legalized.

Apart from financial challenges, abortion should be made legal if the mother is too young and unable to manage pregnancy. There are several challenges when a teenager gets pregnant worthy of legalizing abortion under such exceptional grounds. For instance, pregnant teenagers have a high chance of suffering from high blood pressure together with anemia. Also, due to the immature reproductive system, there are high chances of premature birth. In case the delivery process is successful, the baby is likely to be underweight accompanied by other development complications (Rajamanickam et al., 2018). In addition, the teenagers life is at stake since she can develop complications resulting in death. Under such extreme conditions, it is appropriate to legalize abortion and save the young girl.

Counteractive Argument

Abortion is amongst the most sensitive and challenging social agendas with countless debates over the issue. Supportive arguments and counteractive arguments have been raised, with none winning the judiciary motions. According to various laws and policies in different states and countries, the act needs to be legalized depending on definite exceptional scenarios (Dinethri et al., 2016). Nonetheless, in some circumstances, abortion needs to be illegalized when there is candid evidence of moral and justice violations. For example, laws and policies should be formulated and implemented to restrict unsafe abortion regardless of the reasons and conditions.

Abortion should be amongst the safest medical procedure if performed according to the World Health Organizations (WHO) accredited instructions. Nevertheless, it has contributed substantially to maternal deaths as a result of complications due to the omission of medical expertise (Berer, 2017). The practice should be the only option to be deployed by the qualified professions in case the need arises. An appropriate method to consign safe abortion is by lifting legal restrictions, providing access to accredited abortion services. Therefore, unsafe abortion needs to be illegalized to eliminate health complications and deaths.


Biblical teachings discourage abortion for whatsoever reason, but it should be morally acceptable in unavoidable circumstances. The topic of abortion has many undecided debates worldwide due to disparities in laws and policies governing the act. However, it is necessary to legalize abortion under certain conditions, such as when the health of the mother is at stake and if the pregnancy is due to crime-related practices (incest and rape). Also, social reasons and the likelihood of the child undergoing undesirable life quality are among the reasons to decriminalize abortion. However, unsafe abortions should be prohibited because most of them result in maternal deaths. Qualified medical doctors should conduct safe abortions according to the accredited guidelines. In summary, abortion needs legalization under exceptional grounds, such as when a mothers life is at risk.


Berer, M. (2017). Abortion Law and Policy around the World. Health and Human Rights Journal, 19(1), 13-27. Web.

Bixby Center. (2016). Abortion restrictions put womens health, safety and wellbeing at risk [Ebook] (pp. 1-2). University of California, San Francisco. Web.

Boonstra, H. (2016). Abortion in the Lives of Women Struggling Financially: Why Insurance Coverage Matters. Guttmacher Policy Review, 19, 46-52. Web.

Dinethri, R., Roshanthan, N., Perera, M., Wasana, W., Perera, A., & Vidanapathirana, M. et al. (2016). Abortion and its legalization: an overview of the opinion of doctors in Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Sri Lanka. Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka, 4(1), 11-19. Web.

Machado, L. (2017). Abortion as a right and abortion as a crime: the neoconservative setback. Cadernos Pagu, (50). Web.

Rajamanickam, R., Kok Ann, T., Noor Azira Tengku Zainudin, T., & Azam Mohd Shariff, A. (2018). Termination of Pregnancy by Rape Victim: the Dilemma in Malaysian Criminal Law. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.30), 159-162. Web.

Ziegler, M. (2017). The Disability Politics of Abortion. Utah Law Review, 2017(3), 587-631. Web.

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